I have some friends in Ft. Collins who are wild about Trader Joe's.  I've only 
been to the one in Annapolis which doesn't even seem like a health food store 
to me.  I wonder if they vary from town to town.  Anyway, now there's a Whole 
Foods in Annapolis and I bet they're taking business from Joe's.

Everybody's our locally owned health food store, charges 1.89 for a Larabar.  
Hy Vee, the locally owned grocery chain charges 1.59.  I bought 3 items the 
other day and spent $10!  That just isn't right.  

Before I became aware of my diabetes gene, I would have baked pear for 
breakfast.  Ambrosia!  And it did change the flavor.  That's why I thought 
baking the apple might change its taste.

A palm tree in the front yard sounds very wonderful.  It's been too long since 
I saw one in person.

Science diet?!  Then I'll definitely become a radical (-:

 From: Bhairitu <noozg...@sbcglobal.net>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: President Barack Monsanto Obama

The main use of green apples is for baking or cooking such as apple 
sauce.  Years ago in downtown Seattle there was a restaurant that 
specialized in green apple pie.  According to the neighbors the tree 
never bore fruit until a year or two after I moved in.  It was too 
young.  The previous owner also put in a palm tree but it died a couple 
years ago.  I think it was too confined and probably she got a start 
from somebody as they are expensive otherwise.  I have a palm tree out 
front and my new gardener did a nice job of topping it this year.

I don't think a happy man would enjoy digesting a rock.

Just got back from Trader Joes.  One has to take out a second mortgage 
to shop there anymore.  I used to go once a week but now it's about once 
a month.  Food inflation is going off the charts but the sheeple don't 
want to discuss it.  I think a lot of our food is going to China because 
they'll pay more for it.  We're probably going to wind up with a 
"science diet" for humans. Something like kichari and if so there should 
be at least three varieties.  Overpopulation means a bleak future for 

On 04/03/2013 10:36 AM, Share Long wrote:
> I wonder how the apples would turn out if baked.  Anyway, ok, no cukes, no 
> watermelon, no rocks.  Though now I'm remembering something Maharishi 
> supposedly said:  that a happy man could digest a rock.  I think I'm 
> incorrigible.  Must be a pitta thing (-:
> ________________________________
>   From: Bhairitu <noozg...@sbcglobal.net>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 11:08 AM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: President Barack Monsanto Obama
> On 04/03/2013 04:23 AM, Share Long wrote:
>> Angels of Yahoo at work.  I actually posted this at 8:43 pm Central on 
>> Tuesday but it didn't show up in my inbox til 3:55 am Central on Wednesday.  
>> I was expecting and dreading a blizzard of posts about it, especially from 
>> Judy and Ann who seemed upset by my questions about Robin's recent postings.
>> turq, I was wondering if you and your household did the whole Easter egg 
>> thing for Maya.  Is that a tradition in Holland?
>> noozguru if I offended you with my comments about the fruit trees, I 
>> apologize.  I think of ayurveda as something you and I can joke about since 
>> we're both into it.  Just as I think of jyotish as something John and I can 
>> joke about because we're both into it.  So John, apologies to you too if I 
>> offended you by my recent comment about jokes and jyotish.
> I'm not offended by much of anything.  Line on water.  However the
> apples from the tree ARE green ones and thus a bit sour and not for much
> use other than making pies. :-D
> And though I do like watermelon it tends to sit in my stomach like a
> rock.   Yup, not so good for the kapha.  Cucumbers are even worse.


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