The Subject line is from "Amélie." It is a phrase repeated often by
Amélie's father, as he continues to get photographs in the mail of
his stolen garden gnome, taken in front of buildings and monuments all
over the world. He just doesn't understand.

This is a wonderful vignette, based like most events in that movie on a
real event, but in this case one of the only real events that didn't
happen to the director and writer of the movie. This one happened to
someone else, and he read about it in the press and felt that it just
"fit" with all the other vignettes from his own life. I just love that
moment, and that confused look on Amélie's father's face, as he tries
to rationalize the completely irrational.

That's the way I feel, zipping past the first few words of yesterday's
posts on Fairfield Life in Yahoo's Message View. Je ne comprend
ne comprends pas.

I simply do not understand how someone can take themselves so seriously
as to have to "defend" their fictional image of themselves as if it
mattered. I simply do not understand the mindset of those who seem to
feel that FFL is a battleground on which *to* defend these fictional
images, as if there really IS a battle going on, and they (or anyone
else) could "win" it. Most of all I simply do not understand how the
people who do this -- day in and day out, for YEARS -- can do it while
espousing the benefits of a meditation technique which ostensibly allows
them to dissolve the self they are so desperate to "defend" in the bliss
of Absolute blissitudedness.

HOW can anyone who has been meditating this long still have so much self
to "defend?" HOW can anyone in their Fifties, Sixties, and in at least
one case Seventies still pursue these seemingly endless ego-battles
defending egos that should have been lightened up (if not dissolved)
decades ago? HOW can these adults spend so much time and energy writing
endless narcissotracts to "defend" something THAT DOES NOT EVEN EXIST,
their puny selves?

Je ne comprends ne comprends pas.

I would characterize reading yesterday's flood of narcissoposts on FFL
as like watching kindergarteners, except that I have first-hand
experience with kindergarteners, and *they're* not as obsessed with
themselves as these Drama Queens seem to be. Their personalities are
fluid, and change with the winds. The narcissistic Drama Queens seem to
be rigid and fixed in their obsession-patterns, repeating the same
scenarios (and often the same "defences") over and over and over, laying
waste in their minds to hordes of "enemies," most of whom don't even
seem to be aware that there is a battle going on because
they...uh...have lives.

Who could possibly CARE about the things that these people obsess over
and write endless rants about? Who could possibly harbor such grudges
against others on this forum full of people THEY HAVE NEVER MET,
clinging to these grudges so strongly that they feel the need to diss
their "enemies" so often, and try to convince others to do the same. The
pettiness of it just boggles my mind.

Je ne comprends ne comprends pas...

The plaster garden gnome in "Amélie" had more fun with his life than
these people seem to have had in years.

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