dear Buck and MJ, perhaps we can begin these experiments with coffee and 
propofol in the men's Dome?  Stronger physiologies and all that.  Plus 
Bagabhrini is known for the delicacy of its inhabitants.  Think Princess and 
the Pea.  OTOH think Princess as Spiritual Warrior.  But even us spiritual 
warriors like our creature comforts.  Thank you both for understanding.
Share in Bagambhrini

 From: Buck <>
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 12:09 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ


--- In, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> Yeah, Buck, I was thinking about Colleen this morning, noticing not seeing 
> her walking down the Dome center aisle as she did every morning and evening 
> til Thursday.  One day we're here and the next day we're not.  Definitely a 
> wake up call.  Carpe diem.  

Dear Share, Yep, carp diem baby; 
Normally meditating in the Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge is a fabulous field 
effect for activating the subtle spiritual structures of the neurophysiology.  
I was sitting in the Unified Field there this morning having a nice effective 
and activated transcending meditation but also noticing that the nature of the 
Field effect phase transitioning there was not so strong this morning in luster 
and actually the field effect was in fact quite generally dull.  When I 
finished my meditation and stood up to leave and go out to finish chores out on 
the farm I turned around there and found a whole bunch of people laying 
slouched back in their seats nicely snoozing. Jeeezuus X-mas, no wonder.  This 
seems to be a problem again coming back as of late.  Poor discipline once again 
creeping in.  Really the Dome overseers would do a lot to improve the group 
meditation for everyone if they'ed serve Lipton [caffeinated] tea or coffee 
generally for people as folks would
 arrive and come in to the morning meditation.  That one thing would make for a 
huge improvement in world consciousness.

> ________________________________
>  From: Buck 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:56 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ
> --- In, "Ann" <awoelflebater@> wrote:
> >
> > I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. Emily, you 
> > might want to pick this one up. I'll let you know when I get this finished 
> > Michael.
> >
> Yes, demographically very topical.
> There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here recently in 
> Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every other day to go to.
> Life goes on for the living,
> -Buck in the Dome


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