God, Xeno I do love how you make me laugh at myself here!  Now let me see:  
dear Xeno you are like some wonderful Greek yogurt, smooth and creamy but with 
a bit of a bite to it going down, and a little pitta vitiating for this pure 
pitta Twinkie (-:

 From: Xenophaneros Anartaxius <anartax...@yahoo.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 12:07 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: psychological rape was parsing etc

share: A part of a larger amount that is divided among a number of people, or 
to which a number of people contribute.

stein: A large earthenware beer mug (from German for 'rock').

Share you are kind of like the now defunct Hostess Twinkie. Golden sucrose 
impregnated cake surrounding an ultra sweet soft creamy core, which by virtue 
of preservatives, lasts for almost an eternity in time. You have that spiritual 
sense of logic, which is totally dualistic when need be, but outside the rigors 
of thought in the intuitive sense as its basis.

Judy is like a silicon chip, rock, and circuits through and through surrounded 
by Gothic spikes. A solid state Twinkie that will puncture you every time.

But when the lioness in you Share, emerges, it is delightful! But a lion is 
flesh and blood, and spikes can get through.

Judy, unlike you, Share, and unlike Barry, has not discovered that knowledge 
based in thought is only representational, not truth, and that different 
representations when run through the filter of logic, result in different 
conclusions, even if the logic were the same.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> Judy, it may be facts in that sense that it's in the archives, but none of 
> what you have EVER said about all this adequately reflects reality much less 
> is reality.  Why?  Because IMO you do not acknowledge all the facts of what 
> was going on for me as I attempted to deal all that began with my Sept 6 
> upset with Robin.  Yes, my upset, the upset between him and me, and the 
> question of my apologizing to Robin for anything is between him and me only, 
> again IMO.  
> But I will add this:  given the mysterious and lofty standards you and Robin 
> present for apologies, why would anyone even attempt such a doomed to fail 
> task?  What I mean by mysterious is Robin rejected my previous apologies 
> because he said they were founded on sentiment.  And recently he explained 
> that sentiment means lacking real feeling.  
> How the fuckity
>  fuck can he claim to know whether my feelings are real or not?  I guess he 
> can know that they're not real enough for him.  Fine, so be it.  But for 
> him to proclaim, as he does over and over, that they are not real at all, 
> well that IMO indicates, just to name one practical thing, that he does not 
> want a reconciliation between us, regardless of what he recently said to 
> Curtis.  
> And that's fine too if he doesn't want a reconciliation.  But in that case, 
> you two better get your agendas straight.  Why would I attempt a 
> reconciliation which you demand with someone, Robin who doesn't even want 
> one?!  Have you finally gone totally 'round the bend?!
> And BTW, all those times Robin apologized to me back them, what I remember is 
> that there would be an apology.  But there would also be a tag line putting 
> it all back on me.    
> Good God, woman don't you hear the arrogance when you say that you will 
> continue to bring it up?  Who died and made you Judge of All Creation?  
> Again for the record:  the term psychological rape in terms of Robin's 
> behavior came only from myself.  I probably read it many years ago but not 
> recently and again, no one suggested the term to me.  
> And btw Ms. Persnickity Only When It Suits Her:  I have noticed that posting 
> about all this you've used the term psychological rapist which I don't 
> remember ever calling Robin.  God what a hypocrite you are! 
> As for bringing up Robin's eviction of his wife, I brought that up to explain 
> to the FFL newcomers here the power that it sounded like Robin wielded.  
> Yeah, you're all about shaming people, aren't you Judy?  Well shame on you 
> for your just about total lack of compassion, except for a few.  And for 
> your continuing to dredge all this up and then shaming me for bringing up 
> details.  Again, what a hypocrite you are!  More so because you present 
> yourself as being all about truth.  
> Judy to Steve:  But he's willing to push them a little
> > to see if maybe he can get them to the point at which they
> > *will* be interesting to have a dialogue with.
> Me repeating what I said before:  I hope that when Robin pushes people, I 
> hope that he is motivated by more than getting them interesting enough to 
> have a dialogue with.
> ________________________________
>  From: authfriend <authfriend@...>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 11:24 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: psychological rape was parsing etc
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> >
> > Judy, if the psychological rape incident is all hoo-hah
> > as you say below, then why are you still bringing it up?!
> That question makes no sense. Do you know what "hoo-hah"
> means? Look it up.
> I'm still bringing it up because it's never been resolved.
> You haven't apologized. You haven't explained the
> contradiction between your comments at the time the
> incident happened, in which you declared that you weren't
> upset by it (and initially, that you yourself had been at
> fault because you'd eaten too much sugar and were feeling
> "grumpy"), and your assertion four weeks later that you
> had been "psychologically raped" and that the very same
> incident had upset you terribly.
> All this is on the record, Share. It's facts, reality,
> which you refuse to face.
> > And since I am no longer accusing Robin of psychological
> > rape, I think it unhealthy of you to continue bringing it
> > up.
> I will continue to bring it up until you apologize *and*
> explain the discrepancy between your comments at the time
> the incident happened and your accusation of "psychological
> rape" four weeks later.
> "No longer accusing" is not sufficient. What's required is
> an explicit retraction of the accusation.
> What's unhealthy is your inability to deal with all this.
> And I'm snipping your unhealthy bullshit designed to distract
> attention from the point at issue here.
> (snip)
> > I think once before you raised the question of some Robin
> > hater causing me to use the term psychological rape. No
> > one in person or via electronic devise or printed matter
> > suggested that term to me.
> Here's what I said this time around:
> > I think one of the Robin-
> > haters got to her privately and talked her into seeing
> > what had initially been only an annoyance as something
> > far more serious.
> I note that you're denying something I had wondered
> about previously rather than what I wrote yesterday. I
> don't think that's accidental. And your continuing to
> ignore the contradiction between your earlier and later
> comments about it is *certainly* not accidental.
> > Lord Knows contacted me offline AFTERWARDS to support me.
> > And then Bill and Brahmi Howell also validated what I
> > said, all 3 of them having been part of WTS and friends
> > of Ann.
> Those three are hardly the only Robin-haters who could
> have been in touch with you privately before you decided
> that what initially had been merely an annoyance that 
> you weren't upset by (and even took responsibility for)
> was an act by Robin of "psychological rape" (wherever
> you got the term).
> > I don't think it's possible for there to be what you describe
> > as *two way* confrontations when there is such a power
> > deferential as it sounds like there was in WTS.
> ("Differential.")
> I wasn't there (nor, obviously, were you). I simply
> reported what Ann (and Robin as well) have said. They
> *were* there.
> > Meaning that it sounds like Robin had all or the vast
> > majority of the power.
> And if he had all or the vast majority of the power, he
> had the power to ensure that the confrontations were
> two-way, if he thought that would be more productive. My
> sense of Robin from his interactions on FFL is that this
> is *exactly* what he would have done, because he has
> always done something similar here: he encourages people
> to go after him if they disagree with something he says.
> > For example, when he literally cast his devoted wife out
> > of the group, did she have any power to stay if she
> > wanted to?
> I don't know what the situation was with his wife, and
> neither do you, since we weren't there and aren't privy
> to the nature of his relationship with his wife. In any
> case, his relationship with his wife 30-some years ago
> is obviously his personal business, not ours, and it's
> a complete non sequitur to boot. Shame on you for even
> bringing it up.
> > As for your saying that Robin pushes people to make them
> > more interesting to have a dialogue with, I would hope
> > that this is not his only motivation for pushing especially
> > when he pushes too much according to the other person's
> > valid assessment.
> I have no idea what you're trying to say here. I do know
> that most of what you've written in this post is not germane
> to your "psychological rape" accusation against Robin and
> the fact that you contradicted yourself in your posts about
> the incident that generated it.
> ________________________________
> >  From: authfriend <authfriend@>
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 11:13 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: parsing a la Descartes was HITLER'S VALENTINE
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Thank you Judy for laying it out again.  I think one
> > > thing you may miss is that interactions often start
> > > out friendly.  We often give one another the benefit
> > > of the doubt.  But then, often the exchange starts to
> > > escalate and the more friendly banter becomes less so.
> > 
> > No, Steve, I haven't "missed" this phenomenon.
> > 
> > > So it is entirely possible that this is the case here.
> > 
> > Actually not; it's irrelevant in this case. All the hoo-hah
> > (as you should have been able to tell if you read the quotes
> > from Share's posts) was about one single incident.
> > 
> > > But over and above this, there are some that feel that Robin
> > > has the skill of zeroing in on people's blind spots, or 
> > > unwillingness to acknowledge reality and "bring them around"
> > > to a truer picture of things.  And then there are others that
> > > feel he is engaging in an unwelcome agenda of pushing his
> > > notion of what is real, or the truth, with no real interest
> > > in a dialogue.
> > 
> > None of which would have been relevant in this case. (Read
> > the other post of mine I linked to for more of the context.)
> > 
> > My sense, BTW, is that such feelings about Robin are a 
> > function of the subconscious recognition of one's discomfort
> > with reality. I do agree that Robin doesn't have much
> > interest in having a dialogue with someone who refuses to
> > acknowledge reality. But he's willing to push them a little
> > to see if maybe he can get them to the point at which they
> > *will* be interesting to have a dialogue with.
> > 
> > But as noted, none of this would have been relevant with
> > regard to the incident with Share.
> > 
> > > And those people may feel that it was exactly what they 
> > > experiened first hand many years ago,
> > 
> > Which would not have included Share. (And in the case of
> > these other people, it *certainly* wouldn't have been
> > "exactly" what they had experienced themselves. Those
> > confrontations were no-holds-barred, much more intense--
> > and as Ann has pointed out, they were *two-way*
> > confrontations.)
> > 
> > > or may feel that
> > > it seems exactly as they have understood it to be from
> > > those many years ago.
> > 
> > Which was not the case with Share at the time of the 
> > incident. Mild annoyance was the extent of her feelings
> > then, according to her. And as noted, Robin had
> > apologized extensively for having been inadvertently
> > responsible for that annoyance (inadvertently because
> > she was annoyed at what she had misunderstood him to be
> > saying, not what he'd actually meant).
> > 
> > What happened between those posts and the "psychological
> > rape" accusation four weeks later?
> > 
> > I think I know what happened. I think one of the Robin-
> > haters got to her privately and talked her into seeing
> > what had initially been only an annoyance as something
> > far more serious. When she referred to the incident in
> > that later post, notice that she claimed she had been
> > very upset by the incident *at the time*. But that
> > contradicts what she had said in the two earlier posts.
> > 
> > > Robin has stated that he had come up with a sure fire,
> > > infallable method of determining the reality of any
> > > situation.  Do you remember that?  It turns out that it
> > > was his entirely subjective determination of reality.
> > > Does that alone not sound sort of weird, and raise some
> > > flags?
> > 
> > I don't think you read what he said in that vein very
> > carefully. Yes, if what you describe were accurate, it
> > would be weird. But his take was more complicated and
> > subtle than that.
> > 
> > > So, if you happen to be in the "other" camp, where you
> > > think he may not possess such abilities,
> > 
> > Remember that he wrote about this because he assumed
> > everyone had the ability to do it if they had some idea
> > of how to go about it. It wasn't a special ability of his.
> > 
> > > then you may
> > > wish to describe his confrontational approach as
> > > "psychological rape".
> > 
> > Don't think there's much of a connection here. In any 
> > case, his "How to Know Reality" posts were made quite
> > some time after the incident with Share. And *he
> > hadn't been confronting her in the first place*. That
> > was *her* misunderstanding.
> > 
> > See what I mean? You have been in this "little microcosm"
> > all along, and *you* don't have much of a grasp of what
> > went on. How would you expect someone who hadn't been here
> > at all to render a meaningful verdict, as you suggested to
> > start with?
> > 
> > > And really, I don't understand why that would be such an
> > > incendiary term.  We fling a lot of insults at one
> > > another.  I don't know that this is so much worse than
> > > the usual fare.
> > 
> > Yet you think "some apologies might be in order, going
> > in the other direction." Perhaps you need to think about
> > all this just a little bit more; your thinking so far
> > has been pretty incoherent.
> > 
> > (BTW, in your post just now to Ann, I think you meant
> > "maligned," not "misaligned.")
> >


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