> I'm going to put my gas mask on and use my last post to
> comment on this most recent pile of toxic garbage emitted
> by Share. Later tonight or tomorrow I'll deal with the
> piles she excreted on Wednesday.

> > Ann, I think the posts are a record of what one has written.
> >
> Hey, ya think, Share? I mean, I know you're just speculatin',
> but you might have a real insight there. Who'd-a thunk it,
> our posts may be a record of what we have written!
> > IMO they and those who quote them present a limited picture
> > of the truth.
> Sometimes those who *write* them present a "limited" picture
> of the truth. Or even a false and deceptive picture of the
> truth. And sometimes a person can make several posts that
> *contradict* each other in a way that demonstrates they were
> not telling the truth in one or more of the posts.
> Not only that, but a person who is fundamentally dishonest
> may post lists of platitudes about "us humans" and pretend
> they somehow excuse those untruths, instead of admitting to
> and apologizing for them.
> > The more complete truth IMO about us humans contains these facts:
> > 
> > we make mistakes, especially when we're emotionally upset
> > we communicate hurtful words, especially when we're upset
> > we forget what we've said, especially when we're upset
> > we are different from each other in how we react during emotional
> > upsets
> > when we're less upset, we see events more clearly and express
> > something different than we did before
> > sometimes we learn from our mistakes and don't repeat them
> > we differ from each other in how we see events largely due to
> > what's sloshing around and electrically firing in the fat balls
> > atop our bodies.
> >
> General platitudes don't help you out here, Share, they just
> make you look like more of a hypocrite.
> At the very least, you need to explain how each platitude
> relates to the fact that at first you denied being upset,
> and four weeks later decided you had been terribly upset
> about having been "psychologically raped."
> Was that accusation a mistake you made because you had been
> upset about *something else*? In that case, you need to
> apologize for the false accusation and explicitly retract it.
> > I think Judy has a more legalistic view of the upsets
> > between me and Robin. I think she wants to present evidence
> > and declare me guilty and Robin a helpless victim.
> >
> Robin is very far from helpless. Unfortunately that does not
> excuse the despicable way you've treated him, especially when
> we recall that the whole "upset" (that you denied was an upset
> until four weeks later) was a result of *your misunderstanding
> something entirely innocuous that he had said*.
> > I think Judy would be a great prosecutor.  
> > 
> > However I think these events are better seen as failure of
> > communication between two emotionally upset people.
> >
> No, neither of you was upset at the time. You acknowledged
> merely feeling "a little grumpy" because you'd eaten too much
> sugar. Robin didn't get upset until you told him you were
> going to stop communicating with him several days later, even
> though you told him:
> "As for what my feelings were, I didn't suffer or feel
> insulted. Nor did I think you were being hurtful or cruel.
> I simply did not want to pursue the theme of whether or not
> I was being the real me. Nor the theme of my alleged hyper
> positivity."
> Again, as we know, that "theme" was a misunderstanding *by
> you* of what Robin had said.
> > And I think anyone who would choose Judy to be a mediator
> > in such a situation, needs to have the fat ball atop their
> > body examined!
> >
> Don't assume that because what *you* have atop your body is
> a fat ball masquerading as a brain, it's also the case with
> everybody else.
> > But that's obviously just due to the sloshing and firing
> > in my own fat ball atop my own body.
> >
> This I think we can all believe.
> > Anyhoo, I'm aiming to have compassion for us all and our
> > atop fat balls, especially when one FFLer with atop fat ball
> > calls me a liar and corrupt. I'll imagine what must be
> > occurring in the fat ball atop her body and hopefully I'll be
> > compassionate at least some of the time.
> >
> Don't bother. Your "compassion" is as false and corrupt
> as the rest of your toxic behavior.
So, it's all about Share?

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