Michael Jackson:
> I went to MIU to be on staff - they wanted me to 
> be on security and I refused since I didn't want 
> to work when everyone else was asleep.
> At first they made me an errand boy, picking 
> people up from the airports etc, then was put 
> in charge of the serving area and dining room 
> for the 1st 6 months, 
So, you were a busboy for six months. There's not
much money in that. So, what was your plan since 
you didn't seek a degree? Usually people that go 
away to college at least take English. Go figure.

> then went into the bakery cause they only had one 
> guy in there and remained there the rest of the 
> time till Bill Sands kicked me out. 
So, you  got kicked out of the kitchen - I guess
that would explain why you're upset with the TMO.

So, why did you go on mumbling the non-sense
gibberish after you were kicked out? Just tell us
the truth, MJ. LoL! 

> > At no time have I ever claimed to have been a 
> > student at MIU or to have sought an English 
> > degree. I was on kitchen service staff my 
> > entire 2 years at the place.
> >
> I stand corrected: you have never been a student 
> at MIU, you were on staff as a baker for two years
> at that place up in Iowa, but didn't get a degree 
> in English. Not sure why you did it, there's no
> money in being a baker at MIU or most anywhere 
> else. For what purpose did you want to bake for
> the TMO? Go figure.

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