Pssst, carde, don't tell any of the other FFL jyotishis, but I consider Chiron 
very important as well as all the outer planets such as Uranus (-:
hugs, but with some nice absorbent towel, along with our clothing, betwixt our 
nether regions


 From: card <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 5:12 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] For us f-ing tropicalists: Chiron return!

The Chiron Return poses the question:
What am I going to do with this last part of my life? 
- Astrologer Melanie Reinhart

After the Saturn Return at 30, and the midlife crisis at 40, one of the lesser 
known, but most significant rites of passage, at 50, is the formidable Chiron 
Return. It is, perhaps, due to the relatively new discovery of Chiron, in 
November 1977, that so little is known about this profound period of 
transformation, that reveals so much about the secrets of the human psyche.

Neither planet nor asteroid, Chiron has been determined to be a comet or 
planetoid (minor planet). Found between the orbit of Saturn (representing 
tradition) and Uranus (representing progress), Chiron forms a bridge between 
the old and the new; historical origins and individual expression. Chiron 
mediates between the conscious awareness and reality-basis of the practical 
personal and social planets (Sun through Saturn) and the multi-dimensional 
cosmic consciousness of the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). It 
provides a gateway forward or back, whichever is deemed essential for growth, 
forming our own link between the natural and the supernatural; the physical and 
the metaphysical.


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