NOT my heading but I did see strippers in The Lebanon & Iraq &  Jordon as 
well as Egypt.
Sent: 4/24/2013 11:05:01 A.M.  Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Fwd: Muslim My Ass.....Need to read!!

-----Original  Message-----
From: Louis Bieronski <>
To:  alias123 <>
Sent: Wed, Apr 24, 2013 8:47  am
Subject: FW: Muslim My Ass.....Need to read!!



Subject: Fwd: Muslim My Ass.....Need to read!!


Subject: FW: Muslim My Ass.....Need  to read!!

> Have you ever seen a Muslim  hospital?
> Have you heard a  Muslim orchestra?
> Have you seen a  Muslim band march in a parade?
> Have you witnessed a  Muslim charity?
> Have you shaken hands  with a Muslim Girl Scout?
> Have you seen a  Muslim Candy Striper?
> The answer is no, you  have not. Just ask yourself WHY ???
> Barack Obama,
>  during his Cairo speech, said:
> "I know, too, that Islam has always  been a part
> of America 's history."
>  Dear Mr. Obama:
> Were those Muslims  that were in America when the Pilgrims first landed?
> Funny, I  thought they were Native American Indians.
> Were those Muslims  that celebrated the first Thanksgiving day?
> Sorry again, those  were Pilgrims and
> Native American Indians.
> Can you show me one  Muslim signature on the: United States Constitution?
> Declaration  of Independence ?
> Bill of Rights?
> Didn't think  so.
> Did  Muslims fight for this country's freedom from England ?
>  No.
> Did  Muslims fight during the Civil War to free the slaves in America ?
>  No, they did not.
> In fact, Muslims to this day are
> still  the largest traffickers in human slavery.
> Your own half-brother, a  devout
> Muslim, still advocates slavery himself, even
>  though Muslims of Arabic descent refer to black Muslims as "pug nosed  
> Says a lot of what the Muslim world really thinks of your  family's
> "rich Islamic heritage," doesn't it Mr.  Obama?
>  Where were Muslims during the Civil Rights era of this country?
>  Not present.
> There are no pictures or media accounts of Muslims  walking side by
> side with Martin Luther King, Jr.
> or  helping to advance the cause of Civil Rights.
> Where were Muslims  during this country's
> Woman's Suffrage era?
> Again, not  present.
> In fact, devout Muslims demand that women are subservient  to men in
> the Islamic culture.
> So much so, that often they  are beaten for
> not wearing the 'hajib' or
> for talking to a  man who is not a direct family member or their husband.
> Yep, the  Muslims are all for women's rights,
> aren't they?
> Where were Muslims  during World War II?
> They were aligned with Adolf Hitler.
>  The Muslim grand mufti himself met with Adolf Hitler, reviewed the 
troops  and
> accepted support from the Nazi's in killing Jews.
> Finally, Mr.  Obama,
> where were Muslims on Sept. 11th, 2001?
> If they  weren't flying planes into
> the World Trade Center , the Pentagon  or
> a field in Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000
> people on  our own soil, they were rejoicing
> in the Middle East .
> No  one can dispute the pictures
> shown from all parts of the Muslim  world
> celebrating on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and other cable news  networks that 
> Strangely, the very "moderate" Muslims
>  who's asses you bent over backwards to kiss in
> Cairo, Egypt on  June 4th were
> stone cold silent post 9-11.
> To many  Americans,
> their silence has meant approval
> for the acts  of that day.
> And THAT, Mr.  Obama,
> is the "rich heritage" Muslims have here
> in America  ...
> Oh,  I'm sorry, I
> forgot to mention the Barbary Pirates.
> They  were Muslims.
> And now we can add  November 5, 2009 -
> the slaughter of American soldiers at
>  Fort Hood by a Muslim major who is a doctor
> and a psychiatrist who  was supposed to be
> counseling soldiers returning from battle  in
> Iraq and Afghanistan .
> That, Mr.  Obama
> is the "Muslim heritage" in America
> Be sure to
>  Muslim Heritage, my ass.
> And if you don't share this  message,
> you are part of the  problem!

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