Call me paranoid, call me delusional but this post by Barry just nails the pure 
evilness of Judy.

On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:58 AM, turquoiseb <> wrote:

> --- In, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> >
> > What was her alleged transgression against Judy?
> By the way, this is what is known among Internet
> old timers as a "Hate Setup." It's akin to asking
> a guy wearing a white sheet and a pointy white hat
> what exactly he doesn't like about black people. 
> It's an "invitation to rant." 
> But now that Ann has gotten the ball rolling, let's
> give the person she's feeding setup lines to some
> more fodder for when she Hits The Ground Hating 
> again just after the clock ticks midnight Friday:
> - What was it that Ruth did to piss off Judy so
> much that she drove her away from FFL?
> - What was Andrew Skolnick's mortal sin that she
> spent *years* stalking him on alt.m.t. and still
> rants about him occasionally on FFL, a decade 
> after he last posted to any TM forum?
> - What did John Knapp do to deserve Judy's never-
> ending hatred?
> - What exactly does Judy have against Vaj? 
> - What made Judy turn on John from Brazil (do.rflex)
> and spend so many posts trying to demonize him?
> - What is it about Curtis (whom most people like)
> that drives Judy crazy and causes her to devote so
> much time to trying to get other people to hate
> him as much as she does?
> - What was it about Barry that caused Judy to start
> stalking him within days of his first appearance
> on alt.m.t., and to continue doing so -- pretty much
> non-stop -- for over EIGHTEEN YEARS? 
> There. That should give her something to do while
> sitting on the Post Flood bench. :-)
> Isn't it GREAT that Rick invented the Posting Limits?

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