Are Board members like Bevan and John legally liable for the financial misdeeds 
of the entire organization, especially the Indian contingent?

I wonder if they knew all along that things were not "right" and yet felt 
helpless to confront MMY's relatives and so just looked the other way?

--- In, "Jason" <jedi_spock@...> wrote:
> > 
> > ---  "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Dear FFL, That dredged up old copy is such a piece of demoralizing and 
> > > terrifying propaganda whether it is true or not. In fact I feel it is 
> > > hateful to be posting crap like that here while like the phoenix the TM 
> > > movement is rising again teaching transcendence once again.  A large 
> > > meditation movement is coming right now out of a few people doing good 
> > > work.  It is once again like the times of old TM, a movement where a few 
> > > people have fanned out and are connecting the message of spiritual 
> > > regeneration in to a rudderless culture ready to hear it new at a time of 
> > > great transition.  Dredging up an old dateline proves nothing.  That 
> > > journalism is nearly a year old.  Those of us who know better are moving 
> > > forward with meditation and leaving the rest behind.  The past is a 
> > > lesser state of evolution, look now to the youth of the future and a 
> > > better world.  It is time to step forward.
> > > -Buck in the Dome 
> > 
> > 
> ---  "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@> wrote:
> >
> > Erm, it's a year old. Which means the lawyers are preparing their
> > briefs and booking court time for the showdown. All of which will
> > get posted here because this is what the TMO has been about - huge
> > amounts of money being raised under false pretences and invested
> > without any of the original projects coming to fruition. 
> > 
> > Like it or not, people care about what gets done with their money
> > and to call it propaganda is as devious as raising cash for
> > "global world towers of world peace" and then buying some office
> > block in Dheli and forgetting about it until the next fundraising
> > drive which, if memory serves, was the "give me a billion dollars
> > and I'll save the world" panhandle. And all the people I know who
> > would shake their heads and say; if *only* we had the money we
> > could save the world, would then reach into their wallets for their
> > well worn credit cards one more time all while not knowing that 
> > there is billions just sitting in a land bank. 
> > 
> > Every couple of years a new project, another new reason to give.
> > And everyone thinks they failed because there wasn't enough money! 
> > 
> > J'accuse *you* of propaganda in trying to suppress the ugly facts.
> > I'm all for truth and reconcilliation myself.
> > 
> >  
> That's the whole point, isn't it?
> 10 Lakhs is = One million
> 10 million is = One Crore
> 100 Crores is = One billion
> Considering the vast amount on money locked up in land 
> assets and nothing productive came out of it, it's not a 
> surprise that donations are dwindling and the goodwill is 
> diminishing.
> All movements tend to shrink after it's founders time. 
> Yogananda, Ramana, Ramakrishna math, Hare Krishna and even 
> the Rama Lenz guy.
> > > ---  "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > I was checking up on the *real* big story in TM just to see if there
> > > > were any developments in the argument over Marshy's alleged 60,000
> > > > crore fortune:
> > > > 
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > Turns out there isn't but I thought I would work out what 60,000 Crore
> > > > actually was in proper money.
> > > > 
> > > > 1 crore = 10,000,000 rupees.
> > > > 
> > > > 1000 rupees = 12.9 British pounds.
> > > > 
> > > > 1 crore = 112,885 British pounds.
> > > > 
> > > > 60,000 crore  = 6,833,100,000 British pounds.
> > > > 
> > > > This is a quite extraordinary amount of money and completely
> > > > give the lie to Marshy's plea for a billion dollars to save the 
> > > > world. They already had it many times over! But still the call goes
> > > > out to support the pundit programme. Still, my friends give money 
> > > > every month - thinking that the movement actually needs support.
> > > > 
> > > > People I know working for the TMO *still* don't get paid a penny
> > > > for their efforts, but more money is going to be needed to pay
> > > > lawyers to get back the money people have already given.
> > > > 
> > > > The rajas presumably know all this and have acquired Marshy's 
> > > > gift of compartmentalising the TMO so that one section (the mug 
> > > > punters) think it's in a state of poverty and spend their lives working 
> > > > to donate and keep it afloat. While the other section 
> > > > spends its time investing in land and managing the ever growing fortune.
> > > > 
> > > > When I learned TM I was put on the "very keen" database which
> > > > meant I got begging letters for every project the TMO claimed
> > > > to be working on. But I decided not to give them anything until
> > > > I knew a bit more about them - like where the money actually went.
> > > > 
> > > > Now I know and feel happy that I was never a donor. What a rip-off.
> > > > What a con. But I do almost admire a mind capable of pulling off
> > > > such a stunt over so many decades.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > PS. This all assuming the Indian paper has its facts right. I've 
> > > > checked the conversion rates and used two calculators to make 
> > > > sure of my figures and it looks like £7 billion. If my maths are 
> > > > completely askew don't blame me, blame my maths teacher. She was
> > > > rubbish, it wasn't me.
> > > >
> > >
> >

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