> > Does anyone remember if Maharishi actually said that 
> > enlightenment could come in 3-6 years or is it some 
> > pervasive Movement rumor?
> >
> I have never heard that "3 to 6 years" figure.
> However, when I first saw him in L.A. in 1967,
> he was asked "How long should it take to get
> to cosmic consciousness?" and he answered
> "Five years." There were even brochures handed
> out at 1015 Gayley with that claim on them.
Maybe in your dreams! I was there at every lecture
and meeting and he made no such claim - BillyG was
there too, and he never heard it.

But, none can be produced as evidence. I have one
of the brochures from SRM from 1967 which says 
nothing about 'cosmic consciousness'.

> Then five years passed for some of the "early
> starters," and the figure on the brochure was
> ...uh...revised to "five to seven years." 
You're probably thinking of the SRM 'Seven Year 
Plan brochure.

> That was claimed for some time, until it was 
> dropped entirely.
This ridiculous since by that time there were
TMers in India that had been meditating for over
ten years. Beaulah Smith had been practicing TM
for eight years in 1967!

> If Jerry Jarvis says that this was never claimed,
> he is delusional, senile or lying. He was my TM
> teacher; he handed me one of those brochures
> himself.
Jerry Jarvis would have NEVER approved of any
poster being sent out with a dumb promise like 
that - get real!

Apparently you altered the text with a felt pen
to read 'TM: A Promise of Cosmic Consciousness in 
5-7 Years'. and so you got kicked out. LoL!

It was stupid of you to try to pull that off, and
even stupider to try and spread this rumor again
here in FFL. Go figure.

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