On 05/08/2013 05:17 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> http://www.happyplace.com/23728/cnn-anchors-pretend-theyre-not-having-a-satellite-interview-in-the-same-parking-lot-funny
> http://tinyurl.com/cjw8sk8

TV and radio is mostly smoke and mirrors. You do a TV or radio interview 
that is recorded for 5 minutes and they use 30 seconds of it.  News is 
pretty much all show biz anymore.  And guess what they are charging for 
the SF Chronicle these days?  Three dollars at the news stand and they 
want to charge you to read their web site too. Care to venture how much 
longer the SF Chronicle will be around?

BTW, I've been watching a 6 part BBC documentary from the 1980s about 
your old stomping grounds.  It's about the Spanish Civil War. On another 
forum we've been comparing what brought Spain to it and Chile to their 
coup d'etat to what seems to be brewing in your real old stomping 
ground, the US.  There are lots of parallels.

Bet you heard some good tales in Spain about that era.  It was certainly 
brutal.  On the Chilean coup I watched "Post Mortem" which is about a 
mortician who falls in love with  his neighbor and is thrown in the 
midst of the coup d'etat.  For the Netflixers it's available WI.

(Note the reviews say there are no subtitles but they've apparently been 
added since).


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