Barry, I feel sure you will not respond to me because you never have, other 
than to accuse me (with false statements, btw) when I posted here with a Knapp 
update some months back.

>From my perusals here on FFL, you have mentioned more than once about how you 
>do not interact with people whom you deem not worth your time and whom you 
>feel are just out to manipulate you. Now certain folks are part of the "Hate 
>Brigade." (Does make others part of the "Love Brigade"?) 

Then you admonish or reprimand or point out to certain posters their (the 
posters') mistakes (or stupidity, if I recall correctly) in continuing to 
communicate with people whom you deem not worthy to communicate with.

Aren't others on this board adults and able to make their own decisions 
regarding how they choose to interact with others on this forum? From the bit 
I've read the people you admonish never ask for your advice/suggestions.  
What's up with that? You trying to start your own little forum cult?

I've read a few times where you throw out the narcissistic accusation. It seems 
to me that you have a bit of it going on yourself with the pronouncements of 
who is worth communicating with and who isn't. What good is it to dehumanize 
others and deem them unworthy to communicate with, putting yourself on some 
higher plane? It just promotes more us/them camps. Not that you care; I imagine 
you don't. 

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, "seventhray27" <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> >
> > It had a Robin "feel" to me Judy.  Lately, much of what 
> > Ravi writes has a Robin "feel".
> I can certainly see that. There is the same narcissism,
> and the same tendency to take words and buzz-phrases
> used by other people and parrot them as if they actually
> understood what the words meant. And they both seem to
> have graduated with honors from the same Bad Writing 101 
> class, while having skipped the How To Write Something 
> Original And/Or Creative classes, preferring to smoke 
> cigarettes in the schoolyard instead. :-)
> There is ALSO, I might mention, the same delight that
> they take in finding someone -- ANYONE -- who will keep
> replying to them on FFL, as if they were actually worth
> replying to. 
> These days, Steve, you're pretty much "It" for the Hate
> Brigade, since you're one of the only people who will
> bother even trying to interact with them as if they
> might have something to say. I think that's magnanimous
> and compassionate of you, but to them it just makes you
> a target. 
> > --- In, "authfriend" wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > > > Give me something Steve.
> > > >
> > > > You realize Ravi, that is was a common Robin refrain.
> > >
> > > Well, no, Steve, it wasn't. He never used that phrase,
> > > to anyone.
> > >
> >

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