That was quite a trip, in 1972-ish. Trying to get from Colorado to my GF in 
Atlanta, I hooked up with this black guy, his cargo van, his motorcycle tied 
down in the back, and his Irish setter, through a ride board, when options like 
that were still fairy safe. 

We left Denver, went south through New Mexico and east into El Paso, into such 
a snowstorm, other cars were being blown off the road, literally. Thanks to the 
bike in the back, we had traction. After making it across Texas, we met these 
two good ol' boys around two in the morning, in Texarkana, at a gas station. 
Cold as f*ck outside. We brought the dog in, the guys carried out oil cartons 
for us to sleep on, gave us coffee, and we all talked for a long time. Later 
on, we'd let the dog out to run on rural roads, and that Irish Setter could 
pace the van forever! I was broke back then, and made the trip on very little 
food, literally bread and water. 

Did a fair amount of traveling like that, back then, always had good 
experiences, which I attribute more to my guardian angels, than to my wisdom at 
the time! 

--- In, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> Good to hear, Doc, thanks for sharing.
> ________________________________
>  From: "doctordumbass@..." <doctordumbass@...>
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, May 17, 2013 7:45 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are you in a cult?
> I found the deep South to be completely counter to its stereotypes. Some of 
> the nicest people I ever met there, complete strangers who would give me the 
> shirt off their backs, were toothless, uneducated rednecks. I traveled 
> through there with a black guy once, Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, 
> Arkansas, and Georgia, we were treated with kindness and generosity, which 
> was a good thing, cause it was the middle of winter. Spent a lot of time in 
> North Carolina also, same deal. Had similar experiences all over the country. 
> Once the "me" finds its normal size, the I Am/We Are takes over.
> --- In, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> >
> > martyboi, I bet a lot of people living outside of US would say that you 
> > have to be a little crazy to live here.  For example, when I was 
> > visiting my family recently, I got exposed to contemporary TV 
> > programming.  Scary!  Meaning, scary in its mind numbingness.  And 
> > the advertisements!  Especially the drug advertisements, spouting off 
> > death as a possible side effect right up there with headaches and 
> > constipation!    
> >   
> > Anyway, Rob Robb often says that as one travels from west to east in the 
> > US, the amount of light present decreases.  As for the deep south, for 
> > example, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, don't even get me started!  
> > For one thing, I think they have the highest number of African Americans on 
> > death row.  Highest obesity percentages.  Very scary places.    
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ________________________________
> >  From: martyboi <martyboi@>
> > To: 
> > Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 3:42 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are you in a cult?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > Consensus reality is probably more accurate than the word "Cult" which 
> > actually means something like subculture. When you make statements like: 
> > "everyone is crazy", or "everyone is in a cult" - you reduce the meaning of 
> > words "Crazy" or "Cult" to logical absurdities that renders them useless as 
> > terms that can be used in a rational discussion. 
> > 
> > When I ask myself questions like:"Do I know anyone who is not a little 
> > crazy?" or "Do I know anyone who doesn't participate in a cult?" The answer 
> > is always "no"  - everyone I know seems a little crazy and everyone I know 
> > also identifies with some group or other. It's really just a matter of 
> > perspective isn't it? I mean to a west coast Bay Area person, such as 
> > myself - most people east and south of here are Obviously Insane ;-)
> > 
> > Therefore as a practical matter, the words "crazy" and "cult" should be 
> > reserved for discussions about people and groups that have behaviors and 
> > ideas that are so variant with society at large that they are rendered 
> > dysfunctional in a major way. (i.e., can't sustain a relationship or a job.)
> > 
> > Having preached that - I actually do think everyone is both crazy and in a 
> > cult...but you won't catch me sayin' it.
> >

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