I received an email regarding  a so called The Monsanto Protection Act
in the US. Is this true? According to  it on March 21st, US Congress
passed "The Monsanto Protection Act" that was slipped into a short term
budget resolution. The amendment allows Monsanto to bypass judicial
scrutiny, granting them virtual immunity to lawsuits based on adverse
health or environmental consequences of their  GMOs.With HR 933 now a
law does the court system no longer has the right to step in and protect
the consumer?
  "Stewart compared the process of getting Monsanto passed to buying
porno, then hiding it under a bigger purchase that might include, say,
Mountain Dew and Funyuns."
On The Daily Show, Jon Stewart:
Stewart might get us to laugh about the act, but it's some serious
business that  not only young adults over there  need to care about.
It's the future of their and in the long run  because of US power
worldwide   of our food. They also need IMHO also to care because of the
political process that allowed "a rider" like this to end up in a
completely unrelated  US bill.

Top 10 Bizarre Genetically Modified Organisms

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