--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@...> wrote:
> I never heard anything about him saying that simple 
> meditators were to avoid seeking other paths, only 
> that it was bad form for the TM teachers to be seen 
> that way.

It may not have been "said," but it was policy. If
you were known to be "seeing other teachers," you
were not allowed to go to TTC, or on long courses
that required approval. 

> Telling rank-and-file meditators what to do certainly 
> crosses into the territory of religion, and he was 
> usually pretty careful about that, from what I saw.

He was careful never to admit it, only to do it.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >
> > I recall that Maharishi once said that TM'ers (both practitioners and 
> > teachers) shouldn't be looking at other paths because it looked like you 
> > were still "seeking" an answer and had not "found" it in TM.  IOW, bad 
> > PR.  It's not unusual in India if a certain path or teacher doesn't work 
> > out that you move on to something else.  Of course westerners were 
> > "noobs" at all this yoga stuff and didn't know that.
> > 
> > To me it is interesting that here on FFL there are still after all these 
> > years a lot of "seekers" and a few "finders" whether the latter feel 
> > they've found it through TM or some other path.  Which are you?
> >

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