This morning's walk was like a scene out of "Apocalypse Now".  As I 
started out walking down the street there was suddenly the roar of a 
helicopter coming down the valley.  This one was louder than many of the 
police, fire and private copters that fly around here and as I looked I 
realized it was one of those Huey's flew back in Vietnam. I wish I had 
popped by phone out of  it's holder and taken a video as it passed only 
a block away.  This was obviously for Memorial Day commemorations as was 
a WWII bomber flying around though I didn't see it this year.

But what I've been noticing is almost a celebration of war in the media 
as if to program the public into thinking war is okay.  This morning I 
also read that almost 7000 soldiers have lost their lives since the 
start of the war in Afghanistan.  And for what?  For wars of empire and 
mainly for profit for a bunch of old insane white guys who run this 
country.  As General Smedley Butler wrote "War is a Racket".  In the 
1930s Butler was enlisted by corporate leaders to overthrow FDR.  Butler 
wisely turned tables on them and there was a hearing on the attempted 
coup.  But none of  those corporate heads went to prison as they should 
have.  Just like we haven't seen one damn bankster prosecuted today.

And this morning we hear that Senator John McCain is in Syria trying get 
another war for the US to get involved in.

The US should be spreading peace not blood throughout the world.

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