Questions and Answers
Q. How many television interviews has Maitreya given so far in Russia?

A. Eight so far in Russia, making a total of 92 interviews. (As of 11
April 2013.)

Q. (1) Does the response to Maitreya's interviews in Russia continue
to be positive? (2) Has Maitreya been interviewed for radio in Russia?
(3) Are Maitreya's television interviews broadcast throughout
Russia? (4) Have any of His Russian interviews reached Poland, the
Baltic States, former Soviet Republic or Eastern Bloc countries? (5)
Have any of Maitreya's Russian interviews been broadcast on external
Russian radio broadcasts?

A. (1) Yes. (2) No. (3) Yes. (4) Not that we know of. (5) No.

Q. (1) Is the large and growing gap between the rich and poor in Russia
a factor in making Russians particularly open to Maitreya's ideas
about economic reform and sharing? (2) Many Russians long for the old
era when communism held sway; are Maitreya's ideas seen as being a
return to communism?

A. (1) Yes, probably. (2) By some, yes.

Q. Has Maitreya given any interviews in Argentina?

A. No.

Q. If they believe in Maitreya, can anyone channel His ideas?

A. No, I am afraid not. Many people claim to `channel' Maitreya
and think it is actually happening to them, but to transmit messages
from Maitreya to the world requires a long period of training which
eventuates in being able to receive this overshadowing presence. There
are seven authentic disciples, all in different parts of the world, who
are being used by Maitreya to anchor His energies. It is not so much a
question of giving information or messages, but in most cases more a
question of representing Him. Apart from these seven disciples, there
are many people who mistakenly think they are `channelling'
Maitreya, but this is not the case. It is glamour.

Q. How dangerous do you think North Korea is now?

A. North Korea is dangerous because it is young and feels powerful and
longs to be seen to be powerful. At the moment, though, I believe it is
sabre-rattling only.

Q. How do you think the rest of the world should deal with North Korea?
(1) Ignore its threats? (2) Apply more sanctions? (3) Begin trade talks?
(4) Offer aid? (5) Which countries are best placed to approach North
Korea to attempt rapprochement?

A. (1) No. (2) No. (3) Yes. (4) Yes. (5) South Korea and China.

Q. What percentage of radiation from the Fukushima nuclear power station
disaster (including the radiation still being released there) have the
Space Brothers neutralized?

A. 60 per cent.

Q. To what extent does the radiation from the Fukushima disaster still
pose a health risk to the people of Japan – either people living
close to Fukushima or farther away?

A. There is still a risk because around 30 per cent of radiation remains
– varying from place to place. Obviously the closer to Fukushima,
the greater is the risk.

Q. In answer to questions in Share International in May 2011 about the
Fukushima disaster, you said: "So far, no countries have been
impacted by nuclear radiation coming from Japan." And, "So far,
the only people affected by radiation are those living in the north
eastern part of Japan." However, a news story on the Common Dreams
website reported, "According to a new study published in the Open
Journal of Pediatrics, children born in Alaska, California, Hawaii,
Oregon and Washington between one week and 16 weeks after the meltdown
began are 28 per cent more likely to suffer from congenital
hypothyroidism (CH) than were children born in those states during the
same period one year earlier." Were children on the west coast of
the United States affected in this way by the Fukushima disaster, as the
medical study indicates? If so, where else were children affected by the

A. The West Coast of the US was not directly affected by the Fukushima

Q. Could you please give the ray structure and point of evolution of
Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013), former British Prime Minister?

A. S: 2; P: 1 (6); M: 6 (1); A: 6 (2); Ph: 7 (1). PoE: 1.7.

Q. (1) Could you please comment on Margaret Thatcher and her legacy?
Adored by some, loathed by others, she seems, some commentators say, to
have polarised the country. Did she? (2) Others are of the opinion that
she restored Britain's former greatness; what is the truth of the
matter? (3) Was she a forward thinker or a divisive `Piscean'?

A. (1) Yes, completely. (2) This is pure glamour. Britain has been
`great' and will be great again in a completely different way.
It has a most important role to play in the future alignment of the
nations of the world. (3) A divisive Piscean par excellence.

Q. It is said that even now in the second decade of the 21st century
Margaret Thatcher's influence can be seen and felt – how?

A. By all the divisions that she helped to create in the British social
system, putting it back at least 50 years. She was as relevant and as
useful as the most backward and narrow member of the USA Republican Tea
Party. I would like to quote a distinguished actress, now Member of
Parliament, Glenda Jackson, who summed up her reaction to Mrs Thatcher
better than I could: "Thatcherism wreaked the most heinous social,
economic and spiritual damage upon this country."

Q. Margaret Thatcher seemed to tap into a deep-seated selfishness and
materialism, which up to then had not surfaced in Britain. That
materialism seems to have continued – even after she left office.
Your comments, please?

A. That materialism has grown since she left office. To continue with
the quotation from MP Glenda Jackson: "The basis to Thatcherism was
that everything I had been taught to regard as a vice … under
Thatcherism was in fact a virtue: greed, selfishness, no care for the

Q. At the time of her `reign' Margaret Thatcher seemed very
powerful; looked at now in retrospect she seems to belong to a very
distant by-gone age. It's almost like looking at dinosaurs – so
inimical are her ideas and attitudes. What is your insight into Mrs
Thatcher and such figures?

A. She was an exponent of the past and its values, which have brought
humanity to the most dangerous place it has ever been in its history.

Q. What is the relationship between the new Pope's election and the
process of the emergence of Maitreya?

A. None.

Q. Did any miracles happen to coincide specifically with the choice and
later the inauguration of the new Pope in March 2013?

A. No.

Q. Is there a polar shift coming in the near future?

A. No.

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