> Some of you may know or even follow the blog or Facebook
> page created by George Takei (Sulu from "Star Trek").
> There is some question as to whether he writes *all* of
> the material or finds *all* of the wonderful graphics 
> he forwards, but they are consistently delightful. 
> Here, in an opinion piece for the Washington Post, he
> gets serious for once. At least as serious as he gets:
George Takei voted for Bill Clinton who signed into law
the DOMA. LoL!

> http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/george-takei-a-defeat-for-doma--and-the-end-of-ick/2013/06/27/d3c986dc-dd10-11e2-9218-bc2ac7cd44e2_story.html

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