On 06/30/2013 01:47 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
> All our communications comes through the fiber optic tubes -
> telecom. We are under total surveillance. Gathering
> information is the easy part - the difficult part is the crunch
> and analysis. It's also a matter of data overload - where are
> you going to store all that data? Anyone who knows SQL can
> do a hack on a database, but what do you do with the data?
> First, build a massive storage center in the middle of nowhere.
> Then, you run it through a super-computer like a Cray using
> software to crunch the numbers.
> NSA Local Offices:
> <http://www.expressnews.com/news/military/article/Local-offices-of-NSA-k\
> ept-off-the-books-4603085.php>
> 'The Shadow Factory'
> The NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America
> by James Bamford
> Anchor Books, 2009
> 'The Watchers'
> The Rise of America's Surveillance State
> by Shane Harris
> Penguin, 2011
>    <http://tinyurl.com/n2a7x24>

Your neighbor was making a lot of noise this afternoon about Google 
blocking or deleting this article from their cache and that is was 
pulled from the online edition.  Except that the article IS still there:

Thing is all I had to do was copy the link from the Google cache error. ;-)

BTW, I don't know where Starbucks is in Sonoma or which one you would be 
at plus why would you be using the wifi at Starbucks (I don't) and why 
not Sebastopol  which has 1 gigabit fiber through Sonic.net?  Last time 
I was in Sonoma was probably 2000.

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