noozguru, my favorite from dog owners: Fido won't bite. My reply: you don't 
know that 100% for sure! It's an animal for God's sake! And I'm a stranger! Now 
leash Fido before the impossible happens!

What do you have a copyright for?

But what causes landlords to increase rents? By which I'm asking, what in your 
opinion is the first domino to fall in the inflation process?

I didn't realize that SF has such a nudity thing going. Hmmm, must be in 
jyotish chart of SF (-:
Meanwhile it's sunny but breezy in FF and cooling off nicely at night. No 
nudists yet. 

 From: Bhairitu <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 2, 2013 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A Special for the Crop Circle Crew

On 07/02/2013 02:21 PM, Share Long wrote:
> noozgururoo, happy woowoo to woo too (-: Pondering what is scarier: being 
> spied on by NSA or not being spied on?! About those private jets: I've read 
> that airplane fuel is the most
> polluting item on the planet. We should tax the bejeesus out of them!

Yup, plus a tax on stock transactions too.  They've snowed the Tea 
Baggers into believing that they are the "jobs creators" and enlisted 
them as their faithful army.

I really pissed some people on Patch by referring to them as Tea 
Baggers.  Good, they deserve it.

> Don't get me started on people who don't follow leash laws!

In the game preserve on Sunday there was a woman with two dogs off leash 
and they were swimming in the strait.  $600 in tickets there but the 
park police were no where to be seen.  I almost took a video of it to 
post on my YouTube channel.  As I've said before dogs are banned in the 
game preserve and it's not like they don't have signs saying so.

> Question about another post: are bun bouncers allowed in the same union with 
> pizza tossers?

Ask Michael.
> You wrote: If the BART workers strike on Monday then the Bay Area might look 
> like Mumbai by the end of day.
> Share
>   asks: what's happening with that?

Nope.  But then I also mentioned that many Bay Area workers who usually 
commute might have taken the week off.  And there was more of a breeze 
than anticipated too.  And a much stronger one today so probably NOT a 
"Spare the Air Day."  There were whitecaps on the strait.

> ________________________________
>   From: Bhairitu <>
> To: "" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 2, 2013 11:19 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] A Special for the Crop Circle Crew
> Salyvin's neighbors have a show for Nabby and the gang with a Planet X
> interview with John Lear and the Moon cities.
> Happy woo-woo!


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