Thanks, John, this is interesting. And I'm guessing that since it's the Moon in 
Aquarius, it will be women who will play a prominent role in this process.

Replying to post about Mars in 7th: USA has kuja dosha! Just like Ram!

Replying to post about war being waged via machines: reminds me of a Star Trek 
episode in which 2 planets waged war via computers. They had an agreement to 
honor kills estimates by sending their respective citizens into killing 
chambers thus, according to the elders, preserving their infrastructure and 
culture, etc. Kirk's opinion was that in doing this, they lost sight of the 
horrors of war vis a vis the loss of human life. I thought it was a profound 

 From: John <>
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 12:19 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Age of Aquarius

In the US national chart, the Moon is placed in Aquarius which coincides with 
the oft-mentioned Age of Aquarius in which the world is transitioning into.  In 
the scheme of the Vedic Yugas, the world is now in the ascending mode of the 
Copper Age or the Dwapara Period, according to Shri Yukteswar.  It means that 
the USA will benefit in the development of higher consciousness throughout the 
world.  It also suggests that the USA will be positioned to participate in the 
next evolution or revolution towards sophisticated high technology in science 
and space exploration.

In the short run, the US is undergoing a new phase of its business and economic 
cycle.  After the tenure of President Barack Obama, the transformation will be 
evident.  There will be challenges in the process.  Undoubtedly, the changes 
will revolve around taxation, retirement age eligibility, Medicare, the deficit 
and the national debt.

The transformation process will not be instantaneous.  It could take as long as 
20 years.  But once complete the US can once again be economically healthy to 
pursue its quest for life, liberty and happiness.


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