Pays artists or publishers?  iTunes would be paying the record publisher 
in most cases unless the artist is a self-publisher.  Same should be 
true for Spotify. Artists were generally screwed by record companies 
anyway. Recordings have long been thought of as a way to get people to 
your concerts where you make the real money though back in the day one 
could make some good money on record and mechanical royalties.  As a 
musician I was amazed at how important people thought music was when 
Napster popped up.  You'd think they wouldn't have cut the arts from the 
school curriculum.

On 07/12/2013 12:34 AM, wrote:
> Spotify pays artists 8/1000th's of a cent(!), as a royalty per song sale. 
> That compares to iTunes, which pays about 70 cents per song. Cheap bastards 
> masquerading as hipsters.
> --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
>> How many of these did you misquote?  In some cases the bands I was in
>> liked to misquote and often with even worse misquotes. :-D

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