Do any of you remember the rap in "When Harry Met Sally" about "high
maintenance" vs. "low maintenance" when it comes to romantic
relationships? I'm a fan of low maintenance -- certainly in a girlfriend
or partner, but also in other things. High maintenance is just Too Much
Fucking Work To Be Worth The Effort.

All of my extended family members are low maintenance. (With one
exception, of course, but we cut her some slack because she's four.) No
one needs a lot of constant stroking and complimenting to get through
the day, which frees us to express such things when they're really
appropriate, not when they aren't.

Even my car is low maintenance. It's an old Peugeot 306 diesel that gets
better mileage than many modern hybrids and simply refuses to stop
running, and literally the only maintenance it has required in all the
years I've owned it is a couple of new tires. My kinda car.

Anyway, I kinda associate this high maintenance/low maintenance thang
with personality types, too, which is what this rap is about. Some folks
on FFL -- among whom I would include Curtis, Rick, Susan, Salyavin,
myself, and a few others -- are pretty WSIWYG when it comes to their
"image," whatever that might be. They're pretty content with What You
See Is What You Get, and don't seem to waste a lot of time trying either
to "project" a certain image, or "defend" it. My kinda people. They're
more interested in "being" that in "being <insert carefully managed
image here>," and that makes them more interesting. Low maintenance.

Then there are those who *definitely* seem to have a strong self image,
bordering IMO on narcissism. These folks seem to have a VERY strong
image of who they are, what they do, what they believe, and WHY they do
all of these things, and they seem to spend an inordinate amount of time
both *projecting* and *selling* that self image to others, and
*defending* it when someone on this forum doesn't buy it.

They -- and in this group I think it is safe to include Judy, Robin,
Jim, Ravi, and Ann -- seem to never tire of telling people exactly who
they are and what their "real" motivations are. They also seem to get
their buttons pushed BIG TIME when someone else's view of who and what
they are and why they do the things they do doesn't agree with theirs.
Some fly into rages and declare that the other person is LYING by not
agreeing with their carefully managed image. Most of them DEMAND that
the person who *doesn't* buy their carefully managed image "must" argue
with them about it, so that (presumably) the affronted narcissist can
either 1) convince the offending person that they are WRONG, or 2) they
can convince an imaginary lurking audience that the person who disagrees
with their carefully managed image is WRONG, and that only *they* are
RIGHT. High maintenance.

Just look at this weekend's posts. Judy felt the need to make 40 posts
in two days, almost all of them falling into the category (IMO) of
"image repair." I think most of them can be summed up as, "NO, that is
NOT who I am. NOT, NOT, NOT, NOT. <insert angry stamping of feet here> I
am who *I* say I am, NOT who these lying bastids say I am!" Ann made 20
posts of her own, many along the same lines. Dumbbutt made 18. And Ravi,
lagging behind for once, made another 17.

I would suggest (without wasting my time trying to check, naturally),
that the majority of these posts fell *easily* into the category of
"image repair," trying to deny my suggestion that these five people
(only four currently posting) seem to spend MOST of their time here
obsessing on a few obvious "enemies." In doing so, MOST of them managed
to obsess on these same enemies even more than usual. :-)

For some reason, it is *important* to these people that *they* believe
that other people on this forum believe *them*, and THEIR version of who
they are, what they do on a regular basis here, and why they do it.
Clinically, this is called narcissism. Pragmatically, this is called
boring. Their lives seem to have devolved into a constant struggle to
perform "image repair," spending inordinate amounts of time claiming
that they're NOT DOING what they are so obviously DOING. High

It all seems like an enormous waste of time to me.

Especially because I don't think that anyone *except* the four of them
actually believe their spin and their equivocations any more.

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