Settling into my first writing cafe of the evening, I find myself in a
very Zen-like state. I mean, here -- at the center of the universe that
we all know Fairfield Life to be -- I find myself on a Friday night with
time on my hands, wonderful places to write in, and almost twenty more
posts to do it in.

But I can't think of a damned thing to write about. I've already posted
most of the weirdass theories and slightly-askew observations I've had
this week in earlier posts. Walking over here, I paused for a few
minutes Watching The Last Rays Of Sunset Strike Notre Dame, and was so
taken by that sight and that phrase that I toyed with writing it up into
a poem. But then I decided that I'd never be able to do better than the
title itself, so I didn't. Besides, that's in the past now, and in the
present I'm in the cafe I was heading to. But still with fuck-all to
write about.

So I guess I'm stuck having to write about Here And Now.

"Here" is Le Départ again, and "Now" And right now,
I'm sitting at a sidewalk table enjoying a tall Leffe (they don't serve
Westmalle Tripel, alas), and realizing that -- even on a hot summer
night like this one -- I'm somewhat underdressed.

NOT that I went out in my skivvies or anything. It's just that I'm still
wearing the same cool, comfortable cotton pants and shirt I wore to
work. Some of the patrons in this cafe -- especially the ones here with
dates -- look as if they went home first, showered, shaved whatever
parts they felt needed shaving before a hot date, and then put on spiffy
out-on-the-town-in-Paris-wear. They look chic. At best, I look
comfortable. I clearly suck at being a Parisian. :-)

On the other hand, I'm here doing one of the things I enjoy the most in
life. I have no date for tonight because she is out of town, but in her
absence I get to...wait for it...sit in a cafe in Paris and write.

All my LIFE I've dreamed of being able to sit in cafes in Paris and
write. And now I'm not only doing that, I'm getting PAID to do it.

I may not have a hot date with me, and I may not be chic, but I'm *here*
most nights of the week, damnit, doing one of the things I enjoy the
most in life, and being paid to do so by an Insanely Big Megaclusterfuck
of a corporation. What is not to like about that? I am one seriously
fortunate frood.

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