--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson wrote:
> Let me explain - when Buck complained about my words towards the Big
Guru, I took it that he was implying that I should be banned, he did not
of course say so or ask that I be banned. I was making an assumption,
and I bet he would LIKE for me to be banned for calling marshy what I
think he was. I knew that Rick wouldn't ban me for doing so, I was
making as strong a point to Buck as I could.
> Sorry to get everyone agitated over banning.

Hey, you got to be the center of attention for a few minutes.  Even if
it was because you "act the fool", but somethings better than nothing I

> ________________________________
> From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 1:58 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: marshy
> Â
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" authfriend@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:
> > >
> > > I like to read MJ's rants. Even if some say he lacks sound
> > > judgement, that is a symptom of the feelings he is going
> > > through. He appears to feel wronged by the movement, wronged
> > > by maharishi, and quite frankly, MJ has helped me see and
> > > feel some of my own disputes within. I know the difference
> > > between flame and substance.
> > > It is important and I hope no one bans MJ just because he
> > > spews vile at something he feels mislead by.
> >
> > And your thinking is just as screwed up as Michael's,
> > obba, if you believe there's even the slightest chance
> > he'd be banned from FFL for expressing his opinions.
> >
> Posting on FFL is a pleasure and reading FFL is even more so. Pure
> I have been a member for around 3 years and only post and read, when I
have time. Sometimes I delete hundreds of FFL posted group email
forwards from my email box, because I really don't have time to sift
through all of them and well, sometimes they get a bit boring hashing
out the same stories and critiques over and over, but for the most part,
I enjoy this YAHOO GROUP FFL, because it is uplifting to see so many
people sharing stories, mostly about enlightenment being sought.
> I respect all posters on this FFL board, all those who have come and
gone and all those who continually stay the same. :)
> The quote above auth snipped out, and snipped at with;
> "And your thinking is just as screwed up as Michael's,
> obba, if you believe there's even the slightest chance
> he'd be banned from FFL for expressing his opinions."
> Geez. I am sorry, but I saw a word either, "ban, or banned," or both.
If it was Uncle fester or Ravi or even the Turq or Auth or Share or Ann
or Steve, or anyone else, I would have at the same moment in time seeing
the word(s), ban/banned, I may have had the same small time frame to
react and reply, because, I DON'T BELIEVE IN BANNING ANYONE."
> Belief and opinions go hand in hand. It is not my belief MJ would be
banned, so my thinking is NOT screwed up. At least not in the context
was quoted above and why. It is only that I have a life outside of FFL
and also have followed only one other culturing group than the TMO, that
would be FFL!
> Thank you, Judy Auth, for pointing out what I would be if my beliefs
were true. :) OXO
> ps. There may be a few mistakes, because I really have no time to
proof read, and I apologize to any grammar nazi's, if they are present.

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