But how could that be? TM leads to excellence in action!?!

 From: Seraphita <s3raph...@yahoo.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 1:24 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: marshy and Hubbard

It seems Maharishi's admiration was for the hard-working students Hubbard 
attracted while the people flocking to TM were a lazy bunch! In the early days 
here in the UK, Maharishi eventually asked for the help of a Ouspensky group 
(The Study Society) to run the UK TM operation after despairing of his own 
bliss-bunny followers. As the Ouspensky people had their own forcibly-held 
opinions they eventually got on Marshy's nerves and he gave them an ultimatum. 
It's either Ouspensky you follow or me. The ones who stayed with the TMO became 
bigwigs in the UK wing; those who opted for Ouspensky simply added their own 
teaching of "TM" to their curriculum and founded the School of Economic Science 
- it has survived accusations of abuse and still flourishes today. 

I copy the following from a web search :
I remember seeing Maharishi talk about the Scientology movement in response to 
a question about its validity and usefulness as compared to TM. He didn't have 
much to say about the Scientology techniques because the comparison was obvious 
to us. But He did wax on about how much He admired Scientology's founder, L. 
Ron Hubbard, and speculated on how much greater progress His movement would 
have experienced up to that time if Hubbard was in charge of the TM 
organization. What was so brilliant about Hubbard's efforts, according to 
Maharishi, was the strict discipline and loyalty that he instilled into his 
followers. Maharishi said that He admired the strength of Scientology's 
organization and its solidarity in the face of legal and social challenges 
(prescient of TM's own legal problems, yet to manifest). Also acknowledged was 
the targeted marketing strategy that strove to encompass a student's entire 
life, not be a minor adjunct to his often
 counterproductive life-style. I think that Maharishi included some mention of 
Scientology's focus on the wealthy and famous in order to gain influential 
referral value.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> It's worse, Maharishi admired L. Ron. Hubbard.
> Edg


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