Holes in this story.
In my own attempt to post out before Friday, being free and willfully ecstatic 
to the consequence, Nabby, one can only read the words of what is written, and 
assuming someone is thinking something else is calculating and less sincere 
than a virtual head tuck in doodoo as part to thinking everyone who disagrees 
with you has their mind on holes. 
Let me attempt to explain from your level;
You like crop circles, and those are wholes tapped into fields of grain. Have 
not seen any crop circles type symbols taking shape and photoed of rainforest, 
huh? None in the seaweed beds? Nor in a forest covered with Kudzu 
overgrowth....although I have seen Maharishi's image on some of the Kudzu 
overgrowth on Oak and Pine trees in Georgia. JGD.

I think we all like holes. After all, wholesome, wholeness, and holiness have 
similar names and sounds.
 An asshole would be to assume thinking or doing something stupid. 
Or it can be the hole where holiness matters most? 

I need some chocolate. Coffee too. BRB. I intend to post out, so hit me, dude. 
Hit me. 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Haha. I was just thinking the similar. 
> > 
> > MJ was kind on that remark to Nabby. 
> > 
> > Nabby, get your head out of the dark matter excretion of your daily bodily 
> > function and see MJ was kind!
> Don't be daft, the poor fellow was thinking holes too, only the Turq 
> mentioned a place with which he is more familiar, naturally :-)

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