The unPC PC: computer writes sexist jokesA computer that writes sexist
jokes has been developed by scientists. [A computer designed to write
witty one-liners has produced a list of sexist jokes] who says computers
don't have a sense of humour?

The machine, which has been created by scientists at the University of
Edinburgh, was designed to generate its own witty one-liners following a
simple set of rules.

The system was programmed to exploit one of the most successful and
popular components of comedy, where a statement is followed up with a
surprising comment.

Some comedians, such as Tommy Cooper
s-list-of-best-jokes.html>  and Les Dawson, used this style with great

However, like some of its human predecessors, the computerised comedian
has developed a rather politically incorrect approach to humour –
the jokes it produces can be rather sexist.

Others veer more into the surreal rather than the genuinely funny.

The computer software was designed to find unlikely pairings of words
and to make a connection between them.

It most commonly came up with jokes comparing men or women with another
object, like: "I like my women like I like my gas …

While some could have rivalled a human comedian for generating a wry
smile, others worked less well.

One joke that did not work so well was: "I like my men like I like
my court … superior."

Some comedians have made a successful career out of jokes like these.
Chicago based comedian Darren Carter improvises "I like my women like I
like my ..." jokes according to words called out by the audience.

Among his favourites is: "I like my women like I like my ... camera ...
ready to flash.

David Matthews, a computer scientist who helped develop the computerised
comedian at the University of Edinburgh's school of informatics, said
when they tested the jokes on volunteers they found they laughed,
although not as much as man made humour.

He said for computer generated jokes to improve, the software would need
to develop cultural awareness.

He said: "Computers have an advantage over people in that they can
process masses of information, so we fed computers a wealth of material
from which they extracted creative and unusual word combinations to fit
our joke template.

"The holy grail for machine-generated comedy would be to include
cultural references, but these are very hard to capture."

Dr Matthews is due to present the computer at the Association for
Computational Linguistics annual meeting in Bulgaria.

Engage laughter circuits:

Some of the less PC jokes generated by the PC

I like my women like I like my gas ... natural

I like my men like I like my acorns ... buried

I like my boys like I like my sectors … bad

I like my men like I like my monoxide - odourless

I like my men like I like my court … superior

And some that will not upset the PC brigade

I like my coffee like I like my war … cold

I like my relationships like I like my source … open

I like my fish like I like my text … raw

I like my business like I like my fish … small

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