--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Epiphany.
> A veritable realization. I think I've figured out a way to not only have
> FUN with the upcoming Unlimited Posting Month, but to turn it into a
> personal artform.
> Probably not a very good or lasting artform, because after all it's only
> me so far who is willing to practice it, but I *am* suggesting it to
> other writers, should they become inspired. The rules are simple: take a
> description of you that has been projected onto you by someone here on
> Fairfield Life and WRITE IT UP, as if it were true.
> Here's my first one, based on numerous descriptions of me over the years
> on Fairfield Life. Enjoy.
I was thinking on the lines of making one word posts. One a minute eight hours 
a day for a month (30 days) comes to 14,400 posts if I worked 8 hours each day. 
Unfortunately I am not connected to the Internet except for brief moments for a 
while. And I really do not like posting all that much.

I do not think I could write a post such as Turq's above as I am not a writer, 
and I do not have quite as much negative mileage here, though Ravi's comments 
about me could probably form the basic character.

Nice reference to 'Casablanca'. I seem to recall seeing Sam's piano in that 
movie in another film, one of the Mickey Rooney / Judy Garland films in the 
early 40s. It was a special piano with fewer keys so it was less wide and would 
fit better photographically in Rick's Café set. It may not have even had 
innards, since it was a prop.
> Soaked by the rain but only able to afford the cheapest of bars -- not
> to mention wanting to lay low anyway because Interpol was on his ass for
> being a chronic drunk, on drugs, a tax evader, a sexual predator,
> and...well...just for being who he is -- Uncle Tantra stumbled into
> Rick's Cafe Americain.
> He didn't tip Sam the piano player, but then he didn't shoot him,
> either. So far that's what we here at Rick's call a good night. After
> trying to get Berger to cash his checks from the CIA and the Dalai Lama
> and failing, he settled in at his usual table and ordered the Usual
> Suspects: cheap wine, cheap women, and cheap conversation.
> Underaged but yummy Yvonne the singer walked by, and UT leered at her
> like the low-vibe sexual predator he was, but too afraid to do anything
> about it because of his innate fear of women.
> So he opened his laptop, logged into the the Internet, and got to work.
> That is, after all, what the CIA and the Dalai Lama are paying him for,
> right? Gotta do *some* work to justify all those paychecks.
> First he trashed TMers, saying horrid things about them that had only
> been said hundreds of thousands of times before by more sane -- and
> unpaid -- people. Then he lashed out at God Himself, and tried to spread
> his Atheism Virus amongst the faithful. Then he obsessed on the
> individuals he always obsesses on; we can document this because we have
> every post he's ever made to FFL on file, and we can reference it at a
> moment's notice.
> Finally, not content with the low-vibe anti-spiritual pornography he'd
> spewed already onto the Internet, UT took on the Ultimate Sacred Cow,
> the Brahmanic Goddess Of TM, <genuflect> Oprah Herself. He said, "Nice
> woman. Too bad she's so fuckin' gullible."
> The horror.
> And on that note, UT rested, and then carried on fucking off...

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