An interesting article, especially on the eve of Unlimited Trolling here
on FFL. Ponder this during the next "Let's everybody pile on Share"
session. Bold highlighting mine.

Are Internet Trolls the Modern Incarnation of Witch Hunters?

In the age of the Internet troll, there's an unfortunately predictable 
cycle for what happens to women who talk about feminist issues online: 
They get barraged with rape threats and harassment. For examples: see
ind-fired/63400/> , here
<> ,
iolent-threats/>  and most recently, here
ot-universally-acknowledged.html?pagewanted=all> .  The anonymous nature
of Twitter and comment threads allows cowards to  write hateful things
to people without consequences, suggesting that  this reaction is unique
to the digital age. But it's not. The Twitter  rape threat is just the
21st century incarnation of a centuries old  reaction.

Just the other day we saw the modern-day cycle play out
ot-universally-acknowledged.html?pagewanted=all> ,  with a
"countercampaign of online harassment" lobbed at "several high  profile
women" who advocated for Jane Austen and other historical female 
figures on British bank notes. The announcement that Austen would grace 
the 10 pound bill resulted in Twitter rape threats by the minute 
against the blogger Caroline Criado-Perez because she both advocated and
celebrated the "brilliant day for women
<> ."

The scope and nature of the hate is specific to the Internet, argues 
Dr. Whitney Phillips, a media studies and digital culture researcher, 
who is writing a book on trolls. "While the sort of violently sexist 
bile directed at Criado-Perez definitely has precedent (and not just 
precedent but precedents), it also has context," she told The Atlantic 
Wire. "Not only does Twitter allow for anonymous or pseudonymous 
communication, not only does it provide a forum for users to directly 
interface with public figures, its social functionality encourages the 
breakneck spread of information." In addition, because of the Internet, 
more people have exposure to people like Criado-Perez and her story, 
further amplifying the potential haters.

But, like Phillips said, the behavior has precedence. The sexism we see 
online is just a reflection of real world hatred, suggests University 
of Maryland law professor Danielle Citron, who is writing a book about 
cyber harassment. "We have gendered harms that we see these nudged into 
cyberspace where it's much safer for perpetrators to demean," she told 
The Atlantic Wire. Before, you might see acceptable sexual harassment in
the work-place, for example. And certainly journalists in particular 
saw these feelings manifest in letters to the editor and hate mail —
the comment threads of the analog age
eb-engaging-readers-or-swamping-journalism/278311/> .

Those mediums aren't as public as Twitter or a hateful blog post,
however, says Emily Bazelon, who wrote Sticks and Stones: Defeating the
Culture of Bullying and Rediscovering the Power of Character and Empathy
(which was adapted into this Atlantic feature
/309217/> ). "It  has a smear campaign aspect that would have been
harder to pull off  before," she told us. There's no editor to keep the
mean comments and  tweets out of the paper.

Perhaps, a more analogous comparison is a witch hunt, suggests 
anthropologist Gabriella Coleman. "For me what comes to most to mind as 
an interesting parallel is the extraordinary and very public 
demonization of women as witches during," she said. "They were burned in
very public ritual acts." Or, later, lynch mobs had the same effect. 
What these have in common with the Internet is that they're public, 
aggressive, and the people involved had a sense of disinhibition. You 
feel anonymous in a big group of people singling out a witch, the lynch 
mob has that, plus the added effect of a white-hood. Similarly, 
talk-radio — another breading ground of proto-trolling
t-women-hating-trolls-really-believe.html>   — gives the caller a
layer of distance because it's just the caller's  voice. And, finally,
the Internet troll has the protection of the  Internet, with almost full
anonymity and physical distance.

As the troll has progressed from the IRL witch-hunter to the sad man in 
his basement harassing a journalist on Twitter, he has sought out more 
physical distance and protection from the victim, as it's no longer 
socially acceptable (or legal!) to get together and burn a woman alive. 
Gathering a large group of like-minded people to launch an Internet 
harassment campaign is totally fine and accessible. So, if we use that 
as a metric of progress, things have certainly improved for the 
feminist. Hateful tweets are certainly preferable to death. Yay?


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