For those who fear they might become...uh...targets of the Mean Girls
Club during this upcoming unlimited posting month, I thought I'd
continue to have fun with my idea from a couple of nights ago. That is,
a way to react that strikes me as non-reactive (and even creative) might
be to take derogatory descriptions of you posted on FFL and turn them
into a story, set in Rick's Cafe Americain, in Casablanca. The game, if
anyone is up for it, is to take epithets thrown at you and illustrate
them in words, amplifying or embellishing as you see fit, and thus
turning them into a fun parody of the person or persons who sought to
characterize you that way.

To aid aspiring writers in this challenge, here is my off-the-cuff
(meaning that I'm coming up with this "on the fly," in a Paris cafe, in
the moment, not putting a shitload of thought into it) *casting* of
these "mini-Casablanca" movies, using familiar FFL posters as the actors
or actresses. Apologies in advance for not naming everyone, but there
really aren't a lot of named characters in the movie, and even fewer of
them are women.

Everyone Comes To Rick's (the original title) Cast:

    * Rick (Richard Blaine) -- Duh...Rick
    * Capt. Louis Renault (enforces the rules...or at least some of
them...but always his own way) -- Alex

    * Victor Laszlo (noble, but sometimes a bit uptight) -- Michael

    * Heinrich Strasser -- Duh...the Judester

    * Col. Heinz (Strasser's aide) -- Jim Flanegin/doctordumbass/whoever
he is this week

    * Signor Ugarte -- Ravi

    * Yvonne (the cabaret singer with a weakness for men who don't love
her back) -- Obbajeeba

    * Carl the waiter-- Rory

    * Annina (naive refugee rescued by Rick in the movie) -- Share

    * Berger (Victor's Resistance contact...always too serious, always
trying to get everyone to join the revolution, always failing) -- Buck

    * Sascha (Russian bartender) -- Salyavin

    * Signor Ferrari ("As the leader of all illegal activities in
Casablanca, I am an influential and respected man.") -- Bhairitu

    * Sam -- another Duh!...Curtis

    * The Pickpocket -- Willytex

    * Abdul the doorman (because when anyone brings up this character in
a discussion about the movie, no one can even remember him being in it)
-- Robin

    * Minor Nazi officer (as in the movie itself, too unimportant to have
any lines or even be given a name in the credits) -- Ann
    * Ilsa -- You may have noticed that I have saved her for last. That
is because it's difficult for me to find anyone among our FFL women,
past or present, who captures her combination of inner/outer beauty and,
above all else, balance and equanimity. So I'm going to nominate that
the role be played in turns by -- Susan (wayback), Sally Sunshine, and
Have fun writing your own movies. Or not. Either way, have fun...


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