To Reflect...

  Should I Remain Seated or Should I Stand?

  "Come, I will send you to them. And he (Joseph) said to him: Here I am."
  (Genesis 37:13).

  "There are two ways to reach the top of a great oak tree: you climb it or you 
sit on a small sprout and wait for it to grow."

  Taking into consideration the text above, we can say that there are two ways 
to reach the lost, those who do not know God and walk without joy and without 
hope: one is to obey the commandment of the Lord Jesus -- Go and preach! The 
other is to sit o

n a church bench and wait for others to do the work to which we were called. 
Which of the two has seemed better to us?

  When we obey the will of God we place ourselves at His altar, saying "you can 
count on me", our testemony is true, our spiritual life grows, our days are 
blessed and our joy is complete. Nothing brings more joy to the heart of the 
Lord than our will

ingness to seek and to save those that are lost. Nothing brings more joy to our 
heart than to know that our life brings joy to the heart of God.

  Sitting back in comfort is not part of the life of a child of God. 
Indifference toward those who need salvation in the Lord is not a part either. 
We are in the world to be a light, to reach out, to show others that just as we 
have found abundant and

 eternal life in Christ, they can find it too. It is time to rise up and get to 

  Joseph's father called him with the purpose of sending him to his brothers. 
His answer was, "Here I am." In the same manner God has called us and sent us 
to seek the lost. And our response should be the same: "Here I am".

  Are you going to continue seated or are you going to rise up right away?

Paulo Barbosa
A blind in internet

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