Right on, Share!
"dear One of Many Names!"
One with multi personality disorder? Consistently changing avatars?  I
am not a psychiatrist, but I have experienced so many things and can
tell you lots of gossip to attempt to discredit anyone I feel. LMAO
Okay, Zarzari binks  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhgQ0CgUXmU
I am on to you. I remember when you condemned my being as talking too
much about xxx or something. It is not the words that sit in my memory,
it is the feelings you left me.
You are doing the same thing with all that you posted in the below.
You, sir, come off as A crazy, psychopath from hell.

I was one free of all the past events in the TMO with the said named
person you mention below.  I had not clue to even a hiNt of the man's
name, nor any of the hilarious marketing habits attributed to the same.

Never have I read what could make me consider that being, as you mention
below,  who posted things in the past, as you cut and pasted about, now,
How stupid do you think readers are?
Why do you wish to label someone as being so insane?
You, Zarzar (iranitea)  are like
Please stop this nonsense and go and read some enlightening material
with a new mind. LOL

Post something more supportive to all of our awareness.

ps. Helicopters over the domes?  ROTFLMAO!  Brilliant!
You do not see that this same man who you try to condemn as "mad," has
won again?
Marketing award of the year!

Sorry, I lost my cool.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> dear One of Many Names! You're back! Welcome! Ok, just wanted to say a
quick hello, must now do post-Dome wade through of about 60 posts!
> Will leave you to your fun with Judy (-:
> Sharon
> ________________________________
>  From: iranitea no_re...@yahoogroups.com
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 9:01 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditators
> Â
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
> > >
> > > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/299889
> > >
> > > Instead of the above post, read this CORRECTED VERSION,
> > > it contains many wrong attributions:
> > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/353508.
> > > I just came back just to correct the many wrong attributions
> > > to me! Btw. how reliable would a post be, that contains so
> > > many mistakes?
> >
> > A larger, unaddressed question is how reliable would
> > the word of the person who is still claiming to have
> > been so important that Maharishi kept tabs on *him*
> > be in the first place.
> >
> > A *lot* of the silly "defenses of Robin" on this forum
> > seem to be based on taking the word of a documented
> > liar. Remember how he claimed over and over that he
> > had never struck any of his students?
> A lie is still a lie is a lie.
> Regarding Robin, I am not a psychiatrist, I am also not trying to be
one. But even the very first post I ever read of him, I thought he is
weird and crazy somehow. The whole hyperbole, and consequent split with
Judy that followed shortly after the above exchange, came about through
me publicly expressing my opinion - an opinion, nothing more - and
publicly, that's important.
> Because, when I read the first posts of Robin, and my final impression
was formed, I didn't know his name! I heard people talking about Robin
Carlsen, and MUM, but I had not an inkling of an idea, that these two
things were connected.
> Incidentally, at the same time, as I had just returned with a new
identity, Zarzari, I had an online email conversation with Judy, where I
exactly expressed my feelings about him, prior to knowing that
maskedzebra was Robin Carlsen. I still remember the moment it dawned in
my mind, that this Maskedzebra, who wrote long and winding 5 part posts
to Curtis was actually not just any Robin, but THE Robin Carlsen of MUM
fame, after hearing the stories of flyers being dropped from helicopters
during MUM flying sessions. I have had the advantage / disadvantage of
coming across a lot of crazy people in my life, many in the TM movement,
many meditating too much and not working enough. I have witnessed many
people being handed over to mental asylums in the TM movement, some even
been close friends. So I have developed a certain look, to see signs,
that are odd, and point in the direction of some mental problem.
> It is interesting, that I incidentally found parts of this old
correspondence in one of my mailboxes, because after the split with
Judy, I had deleted all posts of her, she had sent to me privately. But
incidentally - I found still my answers, quoting her in my Sent-folder.
> I won't disclose what she said, even though that might be quite
surprising to some people. But I will quote what I said, and SHE WILL
KNOW that it's true!
> This is proof, that I don't have any 'ax to grind' with Robin. That
when I first encountered him, thinking, he is somehow 'crazy', I didn't
know who he was nor had any sense of his history. I also told her, what
exactly mean by a 'borderline personality'. This wasn't a problem, as
long as this was just an email exchange with Judy.
> Here, some quotes from MY posts regarding Robin to Judy in 2011,
starting 15 Dec. :
> "And, I can answer you off-board, what the whole thing was about, we
got into right now, I think it's more about Robin / MaskedZebra, I sort
of can't handle his posts, I mean I get too much, to cut the whole story
short. I mean all this comment of the long-winding, out of touch with
reality, over the top, romanticisms, over-intellectualizations maybe you
know what I mean. Maybe I just don't get him language wise, maybe there
is a sort of conscious exaggeration, or play with irony, which I don't
> Another post same day:
> "He is surly a brilliant writer, but really too much off in every way,
for my taste, can't help, mainly MF (edit: Mind F*ck) to me (Ravi is
actually right about this), intellectual enlightened (has nothing to do
with REAL enlightenment IMO)"
> "Yes, he is entertaining, but again, can't read it all. I just reread
some of his posts, to really try seeing what I found so totally mad and
off with him, the start letter of 'SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter
to Ravi Chivukula', the first one and then his answer to Vaj. I get it a
little better now, but it's still crazy, totally over projection."
> Now same day later. The revelation dawns in my mind WHO he is:
> "Hi Judy again,
> Oh is this masked zebra Robin Carlsen, the guy Lassen was alluding to?
Deep shit."
> On the next post in response to Judy:
> "No, I had no idea! It came right at the spot I wrote it to you, I
wrote from my phone. As I already told you my opinion, it becomes more
and more clear: this guy is highly disturbed. I'm sort of glad I found
this quite quick, just rading posts of him, not knowing the deeper shit.
Poor Ravi! And thanks for the link."
> Two days later, on Dec 17:
> "Now that's the other thing. He was clearly into a powerplay from day
one. As it seems, his interactions with others, had mainly to do with
exorcizing (don't know if thats the right word here) bad spirits,
demons, whatever. And that's his current main theme as well - not really
so different. All the vedic gods being some kind of demons. Of course
that doesn't make a person crazy. But for him, as it seems, it has
ALWAYS been about demons vs the good forces, and that in itself rings an
alarm to me.I happen to be in contact with many people, and I also get
across borderline people or simply psychotic people regularly, for
example over the phone. So, being troubled by adverse forces for me has
always been a main signal for this - no matter how you rationalize it.
This man has a great capacity to make things into a world view it seems,
but the underlying current is quite simply his perception of negative
> And in the same post, first time I mentioned borderline personality,
explaining exactly what I had meant:
> "Again OMG. I don't mean to say, that any of these beliefs can
determine that a person is psychotically ill, I say crazy as to me these
are crazy views, and the whole emphasis to me points in the direction of
psychosis. He is clearly a borderline personality. Borderline
personalities are among the most creative people."
> Please not, how I had defined, what I had meant with borderline
personality, PRIOR to all online talk we had about this on FFL. How I
described it as a very mild form, as I said 'pointing in the direction
of psychosis'. And how I point out that they are actually amongst the
most creative persons. And that wasn't meant sarcastically in any way,
as it should be obvious.
> Up until this point, our email exchange was really friendly and
> The problem, she had with me, was, 1) when I sided with you 2) went
public with my opinion.
> And then I experienced a very different Judy, than previously
experienced. Soon I was called a LIAR, being obsessive myself, and being
prejudiced against Robin.
> I might have been prejudiced against Robin after reading CULT, which
was sort of hard to get through. But that was much later.
> It's quite possible that Robin was close to enlightenment, but
obviously things went wrong from a certain point onward. It may have to
do with his previous excessive LSD consumption he was alluding to many
times. I also think, that there is a certain overlap between spiritual
phenomena, enlightenment, and schizophrenia. Many enlightened saints
were called crazy by contemporaries. I have myself seen 'crazy saints',
at least two of them from Andhra. So, when things go out of hand, a
person could land in what Sri Aurobindo called the 'Intermediary Area'.
There is a letter of him about this IA, I think any spiritual aspirant
should read. Otherwise, I just wish him well.
> As it is, in another mailbox, I also found some exchange we have had
in the past, where you actually sent me a report of how you had met
Carlos Castaneda in LA, prior to all the Tensegrity stuff that came out
later. I just reread it. Thank you again. You are a nice guy, and you
have much openness within you, and a great capacity to share.

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