"In other words, I don't care if the posting limits
are dropped. They've just been a convenient way
to rub one person's nose into her own tendency to
obsess, and continually fight imaginary EGO battles,
often with people who aren't even fighting back."

Says Barry, confirming Alex's observation. We all
knew this was the case, of course, but it's
interesting to see Barry admitting to it: the *only*
reason he has been supporting the posting limits
has been to give him more opportunities to "get" me.

(One does hope, however, that he isn't considering
himself to be one of the people "who aren't even
fighting back." That would be a quite extraordinary
delusion, not to mention self-contradictory.)

Additional comments below...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" <j_alexander_stanley@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Well, it was originally all about Shemp, Lawson, 
> > and Judy. Shemp is gone and Lawson hardly posts 
> > at all, so it's all about Judy, or more to the 
> > point, Barry's obsession with Judy and his need 
> > to have her controlled. Frankly, I'm tired of 
> > being a pawn in that ego drama. 
> Ahem. Who obsessed on *whom* during this last
> week?

I don't believe Alex is referring just to this last

> I might point out that the person you're
> naming as the obsessor in this scenario neither 
> responded to nor mentioned the people obsessing 
> on *him* the whole week. Now do a quick count on 
> the number of posts they made obsessing on him.

Very few, actually.
> So much for their claim that "We only attack 
> him because he attacks us."

Barry has many techniques for attacking people
without responding to them directly or mentioning
their names (this present post is an example). And
when he gets tired of those, he attacks by name
folks who aren't here to respond.

> That said, I have no objections to the post 
> count thingy being discontinued if most people
> here want it to be. It's been so pleasant NOT
> interacting with a certain group of people here
> that I will likely continue that approach after
> this experiment is over. They, from their side,
> are free to continue obsessing on me and Share

Barry to Share, Tuesday:

"SHUT THE FUCK UP We get it that you don't care how unintelligent
you come across, and that you're trying to single-handedly prove
the contention of anti-TM critics that TMers are blissninnies
without a brain cell in their thick skulls who will believe..."

> and the rest of their "enemies," thus demon-
> strating who and what they are to anyone with
> eyes to see it. Win-win.


> My larger prediction was, and remains, that 
> whether limited to 50 posts or 200, there really
> aren't a lot of interesting ideas being posted
> on FFL, and most of the ones that are posted and
> argued about are Other People's Ideas. I think
> that's a sad commentary on the philosophy that
> promised them all a boost in their "creative
> intelligence."

Does he mean he's actually been *reading* their posts?
> I've been on vacation during this period, and 
> thus free to just write the things I felt like
> writing, on my own schedule. I had fun with that,
> and ignored the small shit, not to mention the
> small assholes from whence that small shit 
> issued. :-) I think that a few of my posts in
> this period were both creative and Not Other 
> People's Ideas, but I'll allow you to make your 
> own assessment of them. I'll probably continue 
> to do the same thing in the future. Consider it 
> my balanced, humble, and above all compassionate 
> attempt to balance out the overwhelming mediocrity 
> of this place.  :-)  :-)  :-)

Why on *earth* does Barry stick around if FFL is so
overwhelmingly mediocre? Couldn't be because he
doesn't want to subject his own posts to the
scrutiny of folks with ostensibly higher standards,
could it?

> People can react to my posts -- and to me -- however
> they want. Or, they could realize the folly of
> believing that they should, let alone that they
> "have to."

Nobody responds to his posts simply because they
feel like it, apparently.

 That's an ego game. If your EGO is
> so affronted by something said here by another
> poster that you feel the need to "get" them and 
> convince others that this is a Bad Person, then I 
> think all you'll accomplish by pursuing that goal 
> is to demonstrate how big your EGO really is.

Barry, of course, has no EGO...

> *Especially* if you've claimed that you're all 
> enlightened, and thus don't have one. :-) 

...just like DrD.

> In other words, I don't care if the posting limits
> are dropped. They've just been a convenient way
> to rub one person's nose into her own tendency to
> obsess, and continually fight imaginary EGO battles,
> often with people who aren't even fighting back.

See my comments on this at the top.

> That will continue to happen whether this person
> is able to post 500 times a week, or 5. Those who
> consider her their role model will do the same
> thing. Their call. The rest of us are free to 
> react to that -- or NOT react -- as we see fit.

Says Barry, reacting to it.

> So go forth and leave the Robocop duties to some
> other hapless soul if that's what you want to do.
> From my point of view, this experiment is already
> a success. Given the opportunity to post as much
> as they wanted, most people here -- especially the
> small group of people who seem to live for "getting"
> the people they don't like -- really DON'T have
> anything else to say. If they did, they'd have
> taken advantage of this week to say it.

Or not, as the case may be. Folks may have their own
ideas about what to post when that don't necessarily
conform to Barry's expectations.

But it seems Barry is confirming that he's read the
posts of these people, which is unusual, at least 
based on his previous claims about his Do Not Read list.

Very interesting post, although perhaps not in ways
that Barry intended.

> Just my two centimes...

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