--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Seraphita" <s3raphita@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> >
> > There, Nabby, I posted this to give you something else to think about
> > beyond crop circles...your other most favorite topic; People who are
> > famous who have done TM or do TM or continue TM. :)
> Then there are famous people who haven't done TM you always thought had:
> I knew that Ray Manzarek (R.I.P.) met Densmore and Krieger at a
> transcendental meditation class - and the three of them used to practise
> TM in the sound-proof booths at recording studios to get the benefit of
> that authentic Himalayan silence - so I'd always assumed that Jim
> Morrison tried TM also. Turns out he never followed up on that
> introductory lecture. Bummer. I'm surprised he didn't take the plunge -
> he was game for just about everything else going. The bubble chart
> didn't work its magic this time.

Many people imagine recording studios or places where music is played as noisy 
places in their minds. When in fact, they are usually the opposite much more of 
the time then there is sound. (As you mentioned above about the guys seeking 
the studio to "authentic Himalayan silence," is true.)   Where there is music 
practiced and recorded, these are some of the best places to seek the silence. 
Kind of like the gap. 
People imagine these places as big party atmospheres with no noise going to be 
heard of their own, or forced into hearing other sounds that they did not click 
on the stereo, tv, or mp3 ipod. 
Total silence to total sound filling a place. So magical, both experiences. 
Thanks for bringing that up. I have had that subject thrown in my face before 
in similar situations of conversation, and it is hard to explain sometimes, 
good point to share. :)

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