I knew the guy that developed Google maps before it was sold to Google, and I 
wouldn't be surprised if some of the funding came from the govt. The CIA very 
openly started an incubator fund in Silicon Valley in the 90's. I remember 
reading about it, though haven't heard anything since - big surprise.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> The BIG problem with Google is lack of senior management.  Their credo 
> is to turn a bunch of young people loose on projects and see what they 
> come up with.  So some young engineer thinks that maybe capturing the 
> wifi SSIDs of home networks when driving a Google Maps car through a 
> neighborhood might be useful someday and hey it might actually reward 
> him with a better position at Google.  If he had a more senior manager 
> looking over his work he might be asked if he didn't feel that was an 
> intrusion into privacy and maybe something Google might not want in the 
> code because it WOULD raise privacy issues.
> Of course there will those who call fie on this because supposedly 
> "Google was funded by the CIA".  Maybe they were.
> I call Google a "lemonade stand" because of the lack of senior guidance 
> at the company.  I beat them hard over their "engineer dumps" which are 
> supposed to be documentation for Android.  Lately I've been doing some 
> C# programming and once again when I look up something for C# on 
> Microsoft's site I get a short concise definition as well as a too the 
> point short example of the function.  On Android there is some long 
> winded rambling description and some poor example code that sorta fails 
> to explain use properly.
> Google feels they don't have time to finish things because they need to 
> "stay ahead of the crowd" and rush on to the next "big thing."
> On 08/22/2013 08:09 PM, Seraphita wrote:
> >
> > Yahoo websites attracted more US visitors than Google in July, 
> > according to the most recent internet traffic numbers. A victory for 
> > Google's first female engineer, Marissa Mayer, who left Google to 
> > become CEO of Yahoo.
> >
> >
> > Google are becoming a bit creepy and nosy-parkerish aren't they?
> >

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