Dear Mr. Price,
  and wife,
I believe Ravi can do an impersonation of anyone.
  Need to retrieve him from the belly of the whale, though.
Fluff him, Mr. Price. Tickle the whale as to release Kali's Pimp.

I am embarrassed to admit, I used up the gold leaf when I made the 
desserts for my cousin's baby shower at the country club.
Heh, they went over pretty big, all were eaten and we had fun in the
process using the little morsels as sun catchers, and redirecting light
at the nearby golfers, "Four!" became, "Fuck!"  Pretty hilarious. There
were no children present, just us girls and the matriarchs.

I do have heavy duty aluminum foil, will this suffice?

A sheet of galvanized steel too. It is flexible.

To be really creative, how about the left over chicken wire?

Looking forward for the tickets. I need to get out of here, cabin fever
brought about by the ketu subdasha. Lucky all this is coinciding with
the end of the antardasha in another week. Whew.

Unfortunately, Wilma passed almost 10 years ago, and she had no
offspring (Lesbian), but I know her nephew who plays guitar and works as
a magician (yes, a Magician)in LA, but the good news, music runs in his
family blood, something a lot of people forget certain hereditary traits
allow for this dharmic curse(kind of like ignoring Maharishi's relatives
is probably not a good idea, even if they came out of the woodwork,
dhamra man, Dharma.).  (and... Business is slack in Hollywood for the
meek, right now, so he, him, Wilma's nephew, might be available. You can
catch him at the Castle?)
If that doesn't work out, I don't know who handles Janis's rights.
  You might want to think of Bette Midler, she may be up to it.
  Remember the

--- In, "bobpriced"  wrote:
> Obba,
> Wilma is a winner.
> From tonight's traffic I think its save to say the *enlightened* vote
> a write off, but its so small we won't notice; I'm a lot more
> about the delusional's, we'll need them to carry the electoral
> any chance of getting Ravi to do a Rory impersonation till the polls
> close?
> I'm trying to find my old intro lecture notes (I save everything), I
> thought we could use improved Social Behavior and World Peace as
> points for the Raja; do you have any gold leaf in storage?
> Your tickets are in the mail.
> If Wilma's busy, how bout Janis---to give him a general idea of the
> the campaign is looking for?
> --- In, obbajeeba  wrote:
> >
> > Hey Mr. Price, Bob,
> >
> > May I suggest this style of a C & W song for Ravi's campaign.
> >   I just love Patsy's voice
> > or
> >   Ms. Wilma Burgess (brave beautiful openly lesbian country singer)
> >
> >
> > Getting Ravi in the mood for country. Or there always is this song
> style
> >
> >     "call me darling, you
> > never even call me by my name. mm"
> >
> > BTW, tentative NE, until my plane ticket arrives... I'll cover the
> > whole southwestern and the whole lower eastern seaboard until then,
> > okay?
> >
> >
> > --- In, "bobpriced"  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In
> > > > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > What is this about "Raja Ravi's standards are very high"?
> > >
> > >
> > > ***I happen to believe you're the only one with the knowledge,
> > > consciousness, and chutzpah
> > > to moderate this board, but its shaping up to be the race of our
> > lives,
> > > and, as your campaign manager,
> > > I think it vital you don't peak too early; let Buck and Richard
> > > themselves out before we make our move;
> > > Obba will deliver the North East, and we have Emily in the Pacific
> > > Northwest; we'll have to do some sucking
> > > up and trade some favors, but leave that to me; after Richard has
> > tires
> > > him out, I think we can buy Buck's support
> > > with a promise to make all colors illegal---except gold. In the
> > > meantime, we need to launch our Share
> > > strategy and begin posting half baked poems and syrupy sweet
> > like
> > > the following. For the sympathy vote, I think writing a
> > > C&W hurtin song would be an excellent start; maybe with a title
> like:
> > > "My Baby Dumped Me For The Infinite".
> > > And remember NO MORE OPINIONS ON ANYTHING, and if any smart asses
> ask
> > > you what you're for, just say:
> > > "Change we can believe in" and drones.  More soon---its in the bag
> my
> > > friend.-BP
> > >
> > >   I can't be as
> > >
> >

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