Ugh, that twerking word, Richard! No name and form value IMHO! It sounds like a 
combo of tweeting and jerking!

 From: Richard J. Williams <>
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama and al-Qaeda

On 8/29/2013 12:41 PM, Share Long wrote:

>Good points about parents protecting their kids, Richard. Do you think that's 
>why yahoo placed it so high in their *news* list?
Maybe, but watching Lindsay was like watching a train wreck movie in
    slow motion! But these girls can't compare to the gay and lesbian,
    cross-dressing, transgender, neo-nazi skinheads I read about in the
    paper. Compared to them, Miley is like a nice country girl from
    Fairfield, Iowa.

“When I was growing up, it wasn’t called twerking. That was called a
    ‘ho move,” she said."

Miley Cyrus ‘going to hell in a twerking hand basket’:

> From: Richard J. Williams <>
>Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 12:36 PM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama and al-Qaeda
>On 8/29/2013 11:26 AM, Share Long wrote:
>>I don't know bhairitu, sometimes I think war is the running amuck of what 
>>Freud called the superego, that human aspect that thinks it's right and 
>>everyone should do as it says. 
>>As for their counting on Americans to have short memories, I think they're 
>>also counting on Americans being easily distracted. This is what triggers me, 
>>what I see in the yahoo news line up. I mean, who really cares what dance 
>>move some silly entertainment person did?! 
It's probably the parents that care what their children are watching on TV and 
where they are surfing on the internet. Maybe they don't approve of their 
daughters going around dressed in their underwear simulating deviant sex in 
public, or for that matter, their sons going around town with their pants 
hanging down showing their boxer shorts. 
>Hollywood kids like Miley and Lindsay are
                          going off the rails in public - just like
                          juveniles at an unsupervised birthday party
                          with alcohol - caught up in a Hollywood spiral
                          downwards, trapped inside a young girl's body,
                          stuffed with drugs and craving attention. I
                          could be wrong about this but I don't think
>"Children marinating in a culture of online
                          porn, sexting, rainbow parties and worse have
                          little experience with other ways of relating
                          emotionally." - Kathleen Parker
>> From: Bhairitu <>
>>Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 10:54 AM
>>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama and al-Qaeda
>>War is the product of an adolescent mind.  We've been told for over a decade 
>>that al-Qaeda is our enemy.  Now their our allies?  Guess Barack's puppet 
>>masters think we were born yesterday.  In fact, they count on the American 
>>public to have short memories.  One thing practicing yoga all these years 
>>should do for you is give you a great memory.  Many of us remember growing up 
>>during the Cold War and being told that in the Soviet Union they spied on 
>>everyone and there was no privacy.  Now they want to do the same here. 
>>Do you actually
                                                  believe that Obama
                                                  "weighs the options"
                                                  and makes the
                                                  decisions in the WH? 
                                                  Wow John, I've a
                                                  bridge nearby that
                                                  will be available next
                                                  week at a new low
>>BTW, I'm not
                                                  paranoid.  I'm angry
                                                  as any decent human
                                                  being should be about
                                                  these villains
                                                  corrupting society and
                                                  stealing our rights
                                                  and our money.  Do I
                                                  hate America?  You
                                                  betcha, because this
                                                  is no longer
>>On 08/28/2013 08:34
                                                  PM, John wrote:
>>>One of Obama's
                                                      options is to NOT
                                                      attack directly
                                                      but to supply the
                                                      rebels with the
                                                      needed weapons and
                                                      ammunitions they
                                                      need to fight
                                                      Assad. He might
                                                      also choose a "no
                                                      fly zone" against
                                                      Assad's airforce.
                                                      That means, the US
                                                      Air Force will be
                                                      involved in
                                                      enforcing this
>>>This could
                                                      possibly tip the
                                                      progress of the
                                                      war towards the
                                                      rebel. At the same
                                                      time, the rebel
                                                      leadership should
                                                      be able to setup a
                                                      new government for
                                                      the benefit of the
                                                      Syrian people.
>>>At this time,
                                                      Obama is still
                                                      weighing his
                                                      options and we
                                                      should find out
                                                      very soon what
                                                      that option will
>>>--- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
>>>> "If Barack
                                                      Obama decides to
                                                      attack the Syrian
                                                      regime, he has
                                                      ensured – 
>>>> for the very
                                                      first time in
                                                      history – that the
                                                      United States will
                                                      be on 
>>>> the same side
                                                      as al-Qa'ida."
>>>> Of course
                                                      al-CIAda as some
                                                      of us call it was
                                                      started by the CIA
                                                      to fight 
>>>> against the
                                                      Russians in
                                                      Afghanistan. Your
                                                      tax dollars at
                                                      work proud 
>>>> Americans!


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