Re: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: Re: Re: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE:RE:RE:

 From: "" <>


Oh, right, if I don't accept Krishnamurti as an authority on TM issues, I'm 
just putting my fingers in my ears.

Think you can make yourself look just a little more ridiculous, iranitea? 

--- In, <> wrote:

 Judy sez (as expected): And no, I'm not going to listen to Krishnamurti, of 
all people, for insight into TM, especially as recommended by someone who can't 
figure out what the hell I'm talking about.

--- In, <> wrote:

iranitea, you are too funny. All that effort writing your "helpful" putdowns, 
and you never had any idea what Lawson and I were getting at in the first 
place--in fact, you have it precisely backwards. Every one of your assertions 
about what we think is wrong, including the final one that Lawson believes he 
"needs to be concerned about Xeno." That one is particularly hilarious since 
his own words were exactly the opposite. "Addicted to the TM process" is almost 
as amusing.

And no, I'm not going to listen to Krishnamurti, of all people, for insight 
into TM, especially as recommended by someone who can't figure out what the 
hell I'm talking about.

Now, run along and find something else to be concerned about, please, some 
posts you are capable of understanding. And if the words confuse you, it's 
always better to ask what a person means rather than guessing and then giving 
them a lecture based on your confusion.

--- In, <> wrote:

 Lawsen and Judy, try to listen to this talk of J.Krishnamurti here especially from 4:30min 
onwards. If you can actually listen to it, and see the context to the question 
here, than I can cease to feel concerned about you ;-)

--- In, <> wrote:

I think, you and Lawsen, on the one side, and Xeno, me and a few others around 
here probably, are living on two parallel lines that never meet, with reference 
to this statement of Lawsen. 

For example, I would agree with Xeno 100% and swear that you have no capacity 
to understand even what he is talking about. I stumbled over this very same 
sentence as Seraphita did. And I think I know were you (both) are coming from 
in this respect: It's the same, you may not know it's the *mantra* you are 
thinking, as it is so refined (it may be like a 'rhythm' or changed according 
to checking notes), and you may not know that you are even thinking the mantra 
as it is so refined. But the problem with all this is, as I think you both 
don't quite see, that you make the means (thinking of the mantra) into the end, 
to which this means should lead.

And here comes Xeno's point: Once you reached the end, the means becomes 
obsolete. You don't keep carrying the boat around with you, when you have 
reached the other shore. But the other shore looks different than you expected. 
So you realize at some point, that the means don't work anymore in the old, 
expected way. You could still use them - that was what Xeno was pointing out - 
for slightly different ends, more like, just to relax, or even wake up or to be 
in a harmonious  thought-space, but not anymore to transcend, as you are always 
already transcended - or to be in silence, as the silence of transcendence 
becomes *directly* accessible to you. 

Now, I am sure anybody can understand these thoughts, but - as I suppose - you 
are skeptic about Xeno's realizations, you simply don't accept what he says, 
and being addicted to the TM process, think he is meditating wrongly. And 
therefore Lawsens feeling that he needs to be concerned about Xeno

--- In, <> wrote:

Seraphita wrote:

--- In, <> wrote:

That's a classic double-bind.

Not really. There's a "right" answer, as far as Lawson is concerned, which is, 
essentially, that the question ("After all this time, what do you mean by 
'mantra' in the context of TM?") should be unanswerable in any specific terms 
by a really long-tem TMer. I had the same reaction to what Xeno wrote.
--- In, <> wrote:
>If you even attempt to answer the question, then I become reasonably confident 
>that I no longer need to pay attention to you in this context.

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