As a fan of good television series, it's interesting for me to be
watching four of them end (two for the season, two forever) at the same
time. Sometimes in the harsh and pitiless world of TV, the creators of a
series don't even *get* to do a good ending to their series. The classic
example, of course, is Joss Whedon's "Firefly," which was cut down in
mid-first-season and which, if he hadn't been able to pull off the film
"Serenity" to finish things up gracefully, would have ended very badly

Leading the "good endings race" so far IMO is, of course, "Breaking
Bad." That series has two more episodes to go, and is building up to
present the best ending of a long-running TV show in history.

At the same time, the Aaron Sorkin series "The Newsroom" broadcast its
last two-parter of the season last Sunday, and I thought they did a
pretty good job with it. Especially because it's still an open question
as to whether there will be a season 3. The reason is, for once, *not*
network caprice, but creator caprice. Sorkin is the sole writer, and he
simply may not choose to go forward with such a time commitment. I for
one hope he does, but he managed an ending to season 2 that play "double
purpose," in that it could easily stand as the ending of the whole
series if he chooses to bail.

Over on BBC America, there is only one more episode of "Copper" to go
for this season, and although the storytelling is more traditional and
not as cutting edge as "Breaking Bad," I think they're doing a pretty
good job of tying things up and leaving us waiting for the next season.
The acting, writing, and production have all been exemplary so far, and
I see no reason why they can't continue to be.

But at the end of the pack -- and a MAJOR disappointment -- comes
"Dexter. It's as if this series' creators are taking Dexter's "dark
passenger" and trying to give it a bleach job. Bleeeaah. As one critic
on IMDB put it, rather succinctly, if you check the stats, six of the
*lowest* rated episodes of the entire series have been during this last

Sad. They've pissed away all the interest we once had in the characters
by (IMO) trying to come up with some namby-pamby ending that satisfies
everyone but without exposing Dexter to the kind of Ultimate Humiliation
and Disgrace that Walter White is going through. I suspect they're going
to find a way to either kill him off or let him get away without any
commupance for all his years as a serial killer, and that "safe path" is
taking away pretty much all of my interest in the series. At this point,
I'm just waiting for next Sunday so it'll be OVER, and I can stop
watching it.

And that's sorta the point of this rant. A good ending leaves you
wanting more. A bad ending doesn't.

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