> > ---  "s3raphita" <s3raphita@...> wrote:
> >
> > The point of the Chinese Room thought experiment being
> > to show that consciousness can't be reduced to
> > computation (as the advocates of AI like to pretend*
> > they believe). Searle is right about that.
> >
> >
--- "bobpriced" <bobpriced@...> wrote:
> Did you mean to say that the advocates of AI are lying*
> about what they believe? If so, I thought your comment was
> interesting since *pretending* is the only way a computer
> program will ever pass The Turing Test (is it possible the
> programs are advocating for themselves); Eugene
> Goostman---to date, the computer program with the most
> successful attempt at The Turing Test (29%)---got as far
> as it did by *pretending* to be a 13 year-old Ukrainian
> male who spoke English as a second language (rumours that
> Share is related to Eugene are completely unfounded).
> > What he wouldn't go on to see was that consciousness
> > being irreducible it is also basic. All explanations of
> > the Cosmos must come down to some element more essential
> > than what is being explained. That game can't go on for
> > ever otherwise you have an infinite regress.
> >
> > Something has (or somethings have) to be basic and
> > consciousness [better "awareness"] being that thing (or
> > one of those things) it follows immediately that
> > Darwinian Theory which postulates that consciousness is
> > a late development in evolutionary history is clearly
> > wrong. Q.E.D.
> >
> >
--- "bobpriced" <bobpriced@...> wrote:
> If the use of adornment could be construed as an attempt
> to *pretend* to be something other than what we are, and
> if adornment is an important indicator used by
> archeologists to identify Homo sapiens (it takes human
> consciousness to understand we can influence the
> perception of others), when studying the fossils of
> hominids, is there still hope that computers will learn to
> lie better and eventually pass The Turing Test?

Computers today are savants with the intelligence of a
spider or a cockroach.  20 years in the future, they will
have the intelligence and the intuition of a two year old.

There are many facets of intelligence.  Memory power and
computing power are only one aspect of intelligence.

LQ - This is logic quotient. These people are good in
maths. logical steps for solutions.

CQ - Corelation Quotient. The ability to corelate diverse
factors and see how they fit.

MQ - Memory quotient. Ability to recall information is a
type of intelligence and plays a role in survival.

TQ - Tribulation quotient. the ability to deal with
stressfull and chaotic envionment.

EQ - Emotional quotient. The ability to handle emotions and
compartment them. Empathy the ability to put in other's
shoes and see their POV is a type of intelligence.

> > > --- "bobpriced" <bobpriced@...> wrote:
> > >
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TryOC83PH1g
> > >

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