You mean like eating what is best for your dosha or metabolic type? ;-)

On 09/18/2013 12:04 PM, wrote:

Um, being "particular about diet"?

--- In, <> wrote:

On 09/18/2013 09:40 AM, authfriend@... <mailto:authfriend@...> wrote:

    I concur with all this (except that I'm not much for "alternative
    remedies"--don't need them, I just try to eat right).

    "Eating right" might be considered an alternative remedy.  How do
    you define "eating right"?

    And Whole Foods is known as Whole Paycheck in this neck of the

    Sounds like an East Coast thang. :-D

    --- In
    <> wrote:

    Hate to rain on your parade but US supermarkets have had organic
    sections for ages.  And yup, sometimes the products are the same
    price as the regular products and even sometimes less, especially
    when it comes to produce.  Lately I was looking at prices of
    lettuce.  I like green leaf lettuce on sandwiches (so do
    restaurants).  The price for a head in the regular section was $2
    in the organic $2.  However I buy most of my produce at the local
    farmer's market.

    We call Whole Foods "whole wallet" around here.  They're a bit
    out of the way for me so haven't been to one in ages.  BTW, the
    new health fad is gluten-free and those kind of products are
    showing up even in the mainstream supermarkets.

    And many here are now old farts and once you hit your sixties the
    old jalopy stops working so well.  So it's not a bad idea to be
    particular about diet and trying some of the alternative remedies
    though many of us have been using them for years.  Our bodies are
    just like cars.  You can change the oil and keep up maintenance
    on it and it'll run just fine for miles and miles.  Or just let
    it run down and fall apart.  You can  go shopping for a new one
    after you die. :-D

    On 09/18/2013 12:19 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

        Very funny article, one made more poignant by living in
        France and
        the Netherlands, where "Bio" (Organic) foods are found in almost
        every supermarket, and at prices not much higher than "lesser"
        produce. There are fewer "craze foods," and there are FAR fewer
        crazies buying them. Here, you eat to live (and eat *well*); you
        don't live to eat.

        Amidst the humor, the author makes some good points. For
        "Ever notice that you don't meet poor people with special
        diet needs?"
        Similarly, have you ever noticed that people whose spiritual
        are actually *working* for them don't spend most of their
        time obses-
        sing on their health and what they eat and the esoteric
        snake oil
        healings they *need* to stay healthy? What's wrong with TM
        that so
        many of its followers obsess on these things so consistently?

        Posted even though I know from experience that it'll
        probably take
        anywhere from two hours to two days to appear. I suspect Yahoo's
        server personnel are drinking too much kombuchka (Japanese for
        'I gizzed in your tea').  :-)

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