Argue-Bot, vowing not to start future arguments with victim:
> > 
> > Why don't you fuck off? I'm not going to discuss anything 
> > with you until you've documented your accusations, or 
> > withdrawn them.

Victim, calling her bluff:
> I did notice that you did not document a number of comments 
> you made here. But this response simplifies things immensely 
> because if this is true, anything I write to you here on FFL 
> in the absence of my documentation here with regard to these 
> points or my withdrawing my comments here and earlier in the 
> thread, by your own words must stop you from responding if 
> you do not wish to go back on your word. Very Robinish!

This should be interesting. 

Judy either LIED above about "not discussing anything"
with this particular victim du jour, or she didn't.

What's the FFL consensus? That is, how long until 
she's ragging on him again, trying to get him to
respond to her, and thus get sucked into her 
eternally-dueling-egos Tarbaby scenario? She 
*did*, after all, specify "I'm not going to 
discuss ANYTHING with you until..." He's clearly
not going to jump through hoops, fall for the
taunt, and cater to her demands. So if she writes
to him in the future, she LIED. Simple as that.

Can you say, "Hoist on one's own petard?" I think
you can.  :-)

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