And by the way, any of you who think the Dome technology actually can create 
world peace, feel free to forward this challenge to Bevan and Bob Roth - I'd 
like to see them take it up. 

Better yet, lets get 10,000 flyers in Fairfield and turn 10,000 armed Somalis 
loose on Fairfield under the same conditions I already spelled out - let's see 
how confident you are in IDT then.

 From: Michael Jackson <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 10:07 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Invincible Defense Technology Challenge

I dunno how they got the article in there but the "proven technology" they 
speak of is absolute bullshit. As I have stated here before, the people who run 
the governments of this world may be greedy and corrupt, but in the main most 
of them are not stupid, not nearly as stupid as TM True Believers who believe 
this crap.

If this IDT (ah! they got a new name for it!) really worked, every small nation 
on earth would mandate practice of TM and TM Sidhi program for every citizen 
over the age of 13 to keep themselves safe. All these African nations who are 
cutting each others throats would implement this IDT in a heartbeat and the 
entire sub-continent would be at peace. But they don't and it not due to 
"political reasons" - its due to the fact that TM Sidhi practice doesn't do a 
damn thing to the collective war mongering of the world. It
 just makes its practitioners feel warm and fuzzy.

But OK, let's say it is real and it does work. Forget the old bullshit claims 
from Lebanon in the 1980s. Lets put it to a real test.

You pick out any Third World country. Fill it with as many yogic fliers as you 
like, get 10,000, get 30 or 40,000. Get a million if you can find them. Then go 
over to Somalia and find the poorest, hungriest, most desperate men you can 
find, the ones who have been making a living as pirates who are now out of work 
due to the crack down various nations are making on the Somali pirates.

Take about 20,000 of these guys and arm them with AR 15's or whatever kind of 
weapons you can lay your hands on, put these guys on the border of the now 
invincible nation and tell them they can go in and take anything and everything 
they want with no repercussions - the US will guarantee the deal - and turn 
them loose. If you have a million yogic fliers, the Somalis would
 then politely thank you for the guns, sell them and send the money back to 
their parents in Somalia.

But in reality your Invincible Nation would now be owned and operated by 20,000 
no longer hungry or horny Somali men.

 From: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 11:08 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] A proven solution to the Syrian crisis. -Pravda


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