Nah, Walt's going to take a job at a nearby logging camp working along side a guy from Miami. ;-)

I hope you haven't been too busy fussing over Neo and FFL to have missed the best new fall broadcast TV show I've seen thus far. And you should really be ashamed of yourself if you did since it is Joss Whedon's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D". However given Whedon's luck and ABC's ratings it's likely to get canceled after 4 episodes. Also Whedon's "Much Ado About Nothing" appears next week on DVD at the local Redboxs.

BTW, I didn't go because I'm not that big a comic book fan and I get enough of off-the-wall geeks working in tech to go see Stan Lee at the comic book store in nearby Concord recently.

On 09/27/2013 01:54 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

Sorry to disappoint the Judester and her gloat-fest, but it appears
that Neo has retreated yet again back into the baseboards from
which it crawled, and left me free to darken her cyberdoorway.
So I will.  :-)

As people wait for this Sunday's final episode of "Breaking Bad,"
naturally the Web is rife with speculations about how it will end.
We've already seen "flashforwards" in which Walt buys a big-ass
machine gun, but BB has established a long history of showing
us glimpses of its future that tantalize but reveal nothing. (Think
the bear in the swimming pool.)

Similarly, the BB creators publish the titles of each new episode
on IMDB, but without any plot summary, and they've been equally
tantalizing, but equally non-revealing. (Think "Ozymandias" or
"Say My Name.")

The title for this last episode has BB conspiracy theorists going
crazy. It's "Felina." Other than an obvious anagram of "finale,"
WTF could that possibly refer to?

My favorite theory invokes Marty Robbins' classic song "El Paso,"
which contained a woman named Felina. You decide:

The scene I'm counting on was even hinted at in the series. The
moment I saw that machine gun, I thought of the scene from
Brian De Palma's "Scarface," in which Al Pacino comes out
carrying an equally-big-ass machine gun and shouting, "Say
hello to my little friend!" Sure enough, in the very next episode,
Walt and Walt Jr. are watching TV in their house, and that
very scene is playing in the background.

One thing I know is that the future does not look rosy for Walt's
former lover and her husband, the co-founders of the company
Gray Matter who dissed Walt on TV last week. They were both
wearing yellow. Think of the other characters who have worn
yellow, and what happened to them -- Gus Fring, Brock, and
Drew (the kid shot by Todd). I'm thinkin' that this color choice
on the part of Gretchen and Elliot is as bad a move as appearing
on "Star Trek" wearing a different color uniform from the other
crewmen beamed down to the surface of a planet. The minute
you see that, you know that soon Bones is going to be standing
over his corpse saying, "He's dead, Jim." Elliot and Gretchen
are toast.

Then there's a "promo photo" making the rounds that shows
a determined-looking Walt and Jesse, spattered with blood,
charging somewhere side by side. Since I've never seen a scene
like that in the series so far, that one makes me think of the
ending of "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid." I kinda
like this one.

But by far the most amusing is the theory that the series is
not going to end at all, and instead is going to merge with and
morph into another popular series. I can hear the tag line now:
"Winter is coming, and it's got a big-ass machine gun." :-)

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