The unintended consequences of shutting down comments on articles is that the hostility will no longer be online but in the streets. It's a sign of the time. People feel threatened by increasing authoritarian behavior on the part of governments and corporations. So maybe it's good they take to the streets and the corporate towers. ;-)

On 09/27/2013 09:17 PM, wrote:

*Why should Rick Archer host this site any longer for mostly fractious, abusive and unpleasant postings by a few people flooding the content with their personal animosities.*

*Popular Science magazine just shut down online comments to stories on its website.*

*Disabling comments, The magazine says rude or insulting comments have been shown to skew readers’ understanding of articles and drives away readership.*

*Interviewing with Fairfieldlife at yahoo-goups [FFL] members out on the sidewalks and in the coffee houses and cafes of Fairfield, Iowa who no longer read FFL, they say the culture of animosity and incivility of Rick Archer's list drives them away from reading it. A few people who have taken over FFL have driven away the community of what once was. It is a common complaint of the old readership.*


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