Ms. X-ray Vision stirs her cauldron and asserts:
> > Steve whined:
> > 
> > This is Judy's specialty - her x-ray vision at work.  
> > She had the unique ability to discern Curtis' true 
> > motives in all instances, and now with Share.
> Share's "true motives" have been evident to halfway-
> perceptive people for a long time, actually. 
> Unfortunately that doesn't include Share (or Steve, 
> for that matter). It isn't Seraphita's fault that 
> she hasn't seen the full picture yet; she hasn't 
> been here as a regular for long enough.  

In other words, "s3raphita should just shape up and
believe what she's told! If she doesn't, and chooses
to make her own decisions about posters on this forum,
the way <spit> Share did, we'll come after her for
defying the Clique the same way we came after Share."

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