Richard, like I said to Xeno, some RWC supporters are still mad at me for the 
upsets RWC and I had. Some are obsessed IMO and loyal to RWC in an unhealthy 
and unbalanced way.  

 From: Richard J. Williams <>
To: Richard J. Williams <> 
Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2013 8:20 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Itzhak Bentov reaches for the skies

Does every message posted to this discussion group have to turn into an 
argument with you? Are you the new FFL moderator?

Is it alright with you Judy, if I have a one minute conversation
      with Share - just one minute- without you butting in to start
      another fight. You'd think that after thirty posts on the Post
      Count thread, you'd have said all you need to. I mean, what does
      it say about you - it's only 8:00 AM and you already slammed three
      people today. LoL!

Sometimes I get the feeling you want the posting limits
      reinstated. Go figure.

On 10/2/2013 7:52 AM, wrote:

>Share wrote:
>Seraphita, in this case, with so many unknown variables, what we conclude 
>probably says more about ourselves and our beliefs than it does about Bentov. 
>Theoretically Bentov could have seen the no aura situation in the waiting area 
>before boarding and then told his wife.
>Not if it happened as Seraphita described it. What does it say about you that 
>you ignored what she wrote ("as he was boarding American Airlines Flight 191 
>he realised that no one on the plane had an aura")?

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