I know that some have a kind of reverence for the Laws Of Nature. They
tend to view them *as* Laws, and so sacrosanct that Bad Things Will
Happen To You If You Violate Them.

I don't see them that way. I see them the same way I see the laws of
men. That is, as a conceptual framework, within which to exercise one's
free will.

That's the way physical, lawbreakin' outlaws view the laws of men. They
know they're there, and that there may be consequences for violating
them, but they're willing to bet on that "may be." They exercise their
free will, roll the dice, and see what happens.

As we can all tell just by looking at the headlines and around us in
daily life, the Bad Things that will supposed;y occur if people break
the laws of men don't always happen. At least within the outlaw's
lifetime, which is the only one we know fersure exists. So some of the
outlaws who broke the law skate away Scot-free. They rolled the dice and
won, at least from a being-punished-for-violating-the-laws-of-men point
of view.

Looking back on my life, I've heard a LOT about the supposed
higher-level Laws Of Nature, and how Bad Things Will Happen To You If
You Violate Them. Such beliefs are legion in the TMO, and in many other
spiritual trips. It is not hyperbole to suggest that *many* people on
this planet 1) are convinced that these Laws Of Nature exist, and 2) are
convinced that they 'know' what these Laws Of Nature are.

Me, I'm convinced of neither. As to whether a fixed and universal set of
Laws Of Nature exist, I am an agnostic. As to whether *anyone* on this
planet 'knows' what the Laws Of Nature actually *are* if they do exist,
I am an atheist.

And so I've always lived my life as an outlaw. I roll the dice.

Sure, I pay heed to a few of the things that those who claim to 'know'
would call Laws Of Nature, as applied to human behavior. I try not to
kill people and shit like that. But many of the other things they claim
are inviolable Laws Of Nature I roll the dice on. I trust my own
intuition, and occasionally violate them.

If the 'knowers' tell me, for example, that certain behaviors definitely
violate the Laws Of Nature and would be Bad -- behaviors such as being
gay, not meditating, thinking or speaking ill of a guru, or entering a
building from the wrong direction -- I'm more likely to treat them as
the crazy people they are, rather than pay heed to their warnings. I
ignore them completely and make my own decisions. In doing this, I am
willing to bet on my intuition and my life experience and roll the dice.

Is that Bad?



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